insulin? most anabolic hormone in our body?


New member
I've recently done fairly heavy cycle of steroids , I was using hgh throughout. . I came off my steroids and did pct then started insulin to counter act weight loss .I stayed on my hgh also to try n counter act weight loss. I'm eating just as well but loosing weight . I thort insulin was "ten times more anabolic than steroids , and the most anabolic hormon" these are phrases I've heard thrown around. I've Tryed insulin on two or three occasions and it makes u feel fuller but doesn't add muscle mass like steroids can. Hgh seems pretty shit too for size, I've Tryed that 4 or 5 courses and other than fat loss seems pretty useless. Am I being too impatient? Or am I not taking enougth? Some days I've took 30-40ius of insulin throughout the day. I've taken 4ius hgh for last 4month
Insulin by itself will not yield much as far as results. It works synergistically with hgh and aas. The combo will put on size like you've never seen.
Thanks ,I understand that, I've been cycling the insulin on one month, off one month regardless of weather or not I'm on the roids, was trying to use it as an anti catabolic. Do you think 4ius is enougth hgh? I only notice fat burning
There's a pretty complex mechanism involved with anticatabolic properties of insulin, and it's STILL down to calories in vs calories out.

Insulin itself is NOT anabolic, that's a misnomer as it's the food that's anabolic - which insulin works in conjunction with. Anticatabolic, yes. The miracle answer to the loss of mass/glycogen/water post-cycle? Nooooop.
Yeah maybe try upping calories again but I'm struggling as it is. I've been having 10 ius with a meal of 100g carbs ,50 protein, one hour later I repeat ,then 2 hours later I repeat. then repeat the whole thing 3 to 4 times a day . .. could just be water loss yeah. I was just hoping to figuir a way to counter any loss in off cycle but maybe not poss. I will try upping my hgh soon. And after this break I will start course and I. Think il try bridge in the gap in off period with bit of deca
I'm starting to just realising maybe i haven't got the genetics , and no matter how hard I train , how much I eat , how much drugs I take I'm not gonna compete with the big heavy weights. But if I keep on like this il kill myself, last cycle I was taking 3 anabol 50s and 10 dbols on top of my injectables!
I'm starting to just realising maybe i haven't got the genetics , and no matter how hard I train , how much I eat , how much drugs I take I'm not gonna compete with the big heavy weights. But if I keep on like this il kill myself, last cycle I was taking 3 anabol 50s and 10 dbols on top of my injectables!
lol to this
I've recently done fairly heavy cycle of steroids , I was using hgh throughout. . I came off my steroids and did pct then started insulin to counter act weight loss .I stayed on my hgh also to try n counter act weight loss. I'm eating just as well but loosing weight . I thort insulin was "ten times more anabolic than steroids , and the most anabolic hormon" these are phrases I've heard thrown around. I've Tryed insulin on two or three occasions and it makes u feel fuller but doesn't add muscle mass like steroids can. Hgh seems pretty shit too for size, I've Tryed that 4 or 5 courses and other than fat loss seems pretty useless. Am I being too impatient? Or am I not taking enougth? Some days I've took 30-40ius of insulin throughout the day. I've taken 4ius hgh for last 4month

Welcome to the family! Patience is part of going into a weight loss regime. Its sad that we cant just take a pill and shed 10 pounds in seconds, not yet anyway, but I am sure tech and science will combine to create this like on Star Trek.
Yeah maybe try upping calories again but I'm struggling as it is. I've been having 10 ius with a meal of 100g carbs ,50 protein, one hour later I repeat ,then 2 hours later I repeat. then repeat the whole thing 3 to 4 times a day . .. could just be water loss yeah. I was just hoping to figuir a way to counter any loss in off cycle but maybe not poss. I will try upping my hgh soon. And after this break I will start course and I. Think il try bridge in the gap in off period with bit of deca

I am not comfortable giving dosing information with insulin, but I can tell you that you were taking FAR too little to do anything significant. I'm sorry, but unless you want TRT for the rest of your life - this is the price you pay.

Even then, I lose some of what I fought to earn.
I am not comfortable giving dosing information with insulin, but I can tell you that you were taking FAR too little to do anything significant. I'm sorry, but unless you want TRT for the rest of your life - this is the price you pay.

Even then, I lose some of what I fought to earn.

You honestly believe that 40ius of insulin per day is far too little? I'm glad your not giving out dosing advice because your going to kill someone if you believe that
I am not comfortable giving dosing information with insulin, but I can tell you that you were taking FAR too little to do anything significant. I'm sorry, but unless you want TRT for the rest of your life - this is the price you pay.

Even then, I lose some of what I fought to earn.

You honestly believe that 40ius of insulin per day is far too little? I'm glad your not giving out dosing advice because your going to kill someone if you believe that

Also I don't really give a dam if I need hrt for rest of my life, as long as I'm huge and make pantys wet now
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You honestly believe that 40ius of insulin per day is far too little? I'm glad your not giving out dosing advice because your going to kill someone if you believe that

I'm an insulin dependent diabetic brother, I know more about going hypoglycemic than I truly want to. If you're seriously only getting 400g of carbs a day and using insulin, that's a waste.

I did misread your insulin to carb ratio (read it as 1 per 100g), but now have a difficult time understanding why you would be taking insulin for such few calories. The only reasoning behind this (that I can see) is to attempt to use the protein modulation benefits of insulin - which seems pointless in a state of declining testosterone.

If you truly don't care about HRT, then why are you doing a PCT at all?
Haha I'm not saying I want to be on hrt, it's not high on my ambitions but I was trying to say it would be something I'd accept to get to where I want. I explained that I take 10ius, then I eat 100 grams of carbs on three occasions over a 4 hour period=300g. Then I said I repeat that whole thing 3 -4 times per day. 300×3or4=900 -1200 grams carbs