Insulin Questions (This may be to deep)


New member
Ok, I am going to make these questions as easy as I can. First off I am a Type 1 diabetic, if you dont know what that means (I have to take insulin as my pancreas makes none) please dont respond.

1. Insulin is said to be anabolic, yet can store fat at an alarming rate as well. How do I avoid this? Does insulin sensitivity have to do with it? I mean, say I eat the same diet as my diabetic friend, 400 carbs a day, but I only need 30 units of Insulin to cover it and HE needs 80 units of Insulin to cover it would he gain fat or what?

2. Insulin is what "drives" nutrients into the muscles especially carbs. BUT what about protein? With me making NO insulin how will the protein be shuttled into muscles? Also workout shakes and such contain carbs along with the protein to cause an "Insulin spike" to get the nutrients delivered. BUT what if I choose to go NO CARB and HIGH protein, meaning I wont take any will the protien get into muscles? Is the insulin needed to get it delivered?

3. Does more insulin mean more muscle? Like currently, I take about 40 units throughout the day and about 3000 calories. What if I got the same amout of cals, but less of it from carbs so I only need 20 units of insulin? Would the difference affect muscle?
my bestfriend is Type I and we considered doing some experiments with extra Slin but decided to work on calorie/carb increases first to determine the extent of what we were working with. Since you are Type 1, you have to be really be careful if you fuck with Slin manipulation, which I hope you don't anyway cause you don't need it.
Ok, I am going to make these questions as easy as I can. First off I am a Type 1 diabetic, if you dont know what that means (I have to take insulin as my pancreas makes none) please dont respond.

1. Insulin is said to be anabolic, yet can store fat at an alarming rate as well. How do I avoid this? Does insulin sensitivity have to do with it? I mean, say I eat the same diet as my diabetic friend, 400 carbs a day, but I only need 30 units of Insulin to cover it and HE needs 80 units of Insulin to cover it would he gain fat or what?you avoid it by timing and the cleanliness of your diet. Although, anything not burned off in the day can be stored as fat... even protein. Again, its all about calories as well. You guys are different in the sense that it all depends on how much Insulin you NEED vs. what you would add to increase your uptake of nutrients

2. Insulin is what "drives" nutrients into the muscles especially carbs. BUT what about protein? With me making NO insulin how will the protein be shuttled into muscles? Also workout shakes and such contain carbs along with the protein to cause an "Insulin spike" to get the nutrients delivered. BUT what if I choose to go NO CARB and HIGH protein, meaning I wont take any will the protien get into muscles? Is the insulin needed to get it delivered?Protein is a nutrient. And again, to take advantage of this, you would need to exceed yor normal dose of what is NEEDED to cover normal carb intake. Again, tricky.

3. Does more insulin mean more muscle? Like currently, I take about 40 units throughout the day and about 3000 calories. What if I got the same amout of cals, but less of it from carbs so I only need 20 units of insulin? Would the difference affect muscle?No, it doesn't. It just means more of a 'shuttle' of whatever you eat. But Slin doesn't discriminate. it shuttles everything. You would need a good mix of all things (pro/carb) to really take advantage of it

sorry Shane, didn't answer your questions. lol

My biggest concern with Type I diabetics in this game is the added concern for the amount of cals you have to take in simply to grow. The only reason a person adds Slin is to be able to take advantage of added cals to be shuttled more efficiently.

Damn, i think i just confused myself.
sorry Shane, didn't answer your questions. lol

My biggest concern with Type I diabetics in this game is the added concern for the amount of cals you have to take in simply to grow. The only reason a person adds Slin is to be able to take advantage of added cals to be shuttled more efficiently.

Damn, i think i just confused myself.

Dam this is some tricky ass shit! I hope being Type 1 dosent make it harder for me to grow :wallbash:
Dam this is some tricky ass shit! I hope being Type 1 dosent make it harder for me to grow :wallbash:

just be safe Shane. Its easy to make a mistake anyway with Slin, but especially since you actually NEED it to keep you alive.

I have seen it all. I used to shoot my buddy up with 6-70units sometime after a lonnnnnng night of drinking just to keep him stable. lol Damn we were stupid.

Anyway, like I said, you can grow, it just may take a lil longer. I know you are ON right now, just make sure you watch your BG even more carefully now. PWO especially.
just be safe Shane. Its easy to make a mistake anyway with Slin, but especially since you actually NEED it to keep you alive.

I have seen it all. I used to shoot my buddy up with 6-70units sometime after a lonnnnnng night of drinking just to keep him stable. lol Damn we were stupid.

Anyway, like I said, you can grow, it just may take a lil longer. I know you are ON right now, just make sure you watch your BG even more carefully now. PWO especially.

Thanks man, yea, I would never skip a shot or take to much, I keep my BG real stable, generally check it 6 times a day. I guess I just want to know more about insulin, and how my body compares to a "regular" persons, other than the obvious.
Ok, I am going to make these questions as easy as I can. First off I am a Type 1 diabetic, if you dont know what that means (I have to take insulin as my pancreas makes none) please dont respond.

1. Insulin is said to be anabolic, yet can store fat at an alarming rate as well. How do I avoid this? Does insulin sensitivity have to do with it? I mean, say I eat the same diet as my diabetic friend, 400 carbs a day, but I only need 30 units of Insulin to cover it and HE needs 80 units of Insulin to cover it would he gain fat or what?

2. Insulin is what "drives" nutrients into the muscles especially carbs. BUT what about protein? With me making NO insulin how will the protein be shuttled into muscles? Also workout shakes and such contain carbs along with the protein to cause an "Insulin spike" to get the nutrients delivered. BUT what if I choose to go NO CARB and HIGH protein, meaning I wont take any will the protien get into muscles? Is the insulin needed to get it delivered?

3. Does more insulin mean more muscle? Like currently, I take about 40 units throughout the day and about 3000 calories. What if I got the same amout of cals, but less of it from carbs so I only need 20 units of insulin? Would the difference affect muscle?

As a type 2 diabetic.. (I) more calories = more fat basically
(2)You will need some insulin. Either your body will make it or you will need to inject it. The protein will get into the muscles
(3)More insulin definitely does not mean more muscle. Probably more fat if anything, Cause if you take more insulin you need more carbs and more carbs means more fat

Look my friend, the amount of muscle you will get off insulin is miniscule. You have enough problems being Type 1, don't mess with your health, You know insulin can kill you, right?
What I will tell you and this is only a suggestion, eat a bigger meal (more carbs) after a workout. Then you have to use the insulin at a time where your muscles are craving it. Food+Insulin+nutrient depleted muscles is the way to go. Don't go all nuts on this, just try this in a sensible way.\

Muscle comes from exercise+ protein+ rest. The better quality of each, the better results. If insulin make a big difference, I'd be huge.
be safe buddy
And too much insulin can slow the release of HGH in the night
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