Interrupted DBol, Sus250, Deca300 cycle suggestions

R Anxious

New member
I was on the following 12 week cycle:
1-4 dbol 40mg ed
1-12 1cc sus250 3 times week (750 weekly total)
1-10 1/2 cc deca300 twice a week (300 weekly total)

Was completely interrupted week 8 for 3 weeks. Any suggestions on how to complete cycle? Should I just pick up where I left off? Extend the cycle? Try and add var to finish last 4 weeks? I was seeing very good gains but definitely lost some mass. Strength has remained good and I'm still in the gym 6 days per week with good diet. Thanks for any ideas.

R Anxious
You are correct. I pinned nothing for the 3 weeks. I am 41, 5'11''. At the time of my last pin I was 197 @ 17%. I continued to work out and eat, although not as much fearing over calorie loading. I am now 189 @ 14%-15%. My strength is roughly the same but I have lost a little mass. I don't know if this would be the kin to what I would expect to lose at the end of the cycle or something else. Its a long story about why I stopped, but I would really like to finish the cycle. I feel like I certainly lost my gain momentum, so I am confused as to what direction to take. I thought about completing the cycle with more of a cut mindset, taking advantage of the cutting I have already achieved. I would add some more cardio and continue to lift 5-6 times a week and see if I can just shred the last 3 weeks. I have also read where some people close a similar cycle with anavar, which I thought about doing if I was going to try to get back on the gain train. If I thought I could get 3-5 pounds back legitimately I would do this. Any advice would be greatly appreciated, as I said, I have thoroughly confused myself and my body.

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No I have not pinned ANYTHING in those 3 weeks. Its a long story about why i was interrupted, but it wont happen again. I am 41, 5'11'', and at the time of the interruption I was 197 pounds at 17% bf. I was eating good, but when I could see it might be a while before my next pin I cut back on my calories. I am not sure that was the right thing to do. I added some cardio to my lifting, and continued to lift 6 days a week, even now. My strength does not seem to have suffered, but I have lost some mass for sure, but that may be just the result of coming off the gear. I am now at 188 and 14%-15%bf. I have sort of embraced the initial cut, not sure when I was going to start back and now I am "caught in the middle". I a, tempted to just cut the cycle short, continue to drive down my BF and the try another cycle in 5 weeks, which would equal the time on. The biggest problem I have experienced is that my hips and elbows started hurting badly about 10 days after the last pin, which I can only contribute to losing the deca. The deca seemed to have a drastic affect on keeping my hips and elbows from hurting after heavy lifting. Ironically, because I am cutting BF now I am seeing the results of the first 5 weeks of hard work. I started this particular cycle after a year of just lifting and eating (correctly). Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

If you have pct, I would just do that. Regroup and start fresh once you have verified recovery. If you want to keep any of your gains, keep hitting it hard in the gym and don't cut your cals for a while. Do not go straight into a cut. You'll end up right back where you started
I would start up again and keep blasting but that's me . Since starting try 6 yesrs,ago I've been off only 3-4 months. At 41 your time for trt will most likely be soon enough as a full recovery proves elusive to us older guys eventually. But do as you will