Into to fourms, and my cycle


New member
Hey all I am new to fourms. I'm here looking for feedback, advice, and anything I may be able to offer other users. I am going onto my 4th cycle now my previous cycle consisted of..

Week 1-10 Test E 500mg weekly (250 x2pins)
week 3-10- Adex .5mg eod
PCT- week 13 nolva 40 mg (Girlfriend got pissed flush my shit so I did not recover very well)

Also, I was not aware of proper PCT and the use of HCG either on cycle or as a part of PCT. My balls shrunk significantly and only 1 really came back to a normal size but still smaller than before. About 3 months after cycle i experience e2 rebound which I was never aware of. Was recommended to run a low does of adex for a few weeks and that should take care of the problem, it didn't I still have issues off cycle with my libido and ability to perform at times.

Second cycle was about a year later..
Week 1-5 Dbol 50mg daily
Week 1-12 Test E 500mg weekly (250 x2pins)
Week 1-12 Mast 400mg weekly
Week 5-10 NPP EOD
Week 3-14 HCG 500iu's weekly (250 x2pins)
Week 15-19 Nolva 40/40/20/20, Clomid 100/50/50/50

I had to run Adex during PCT due to libido issues again. I did not need to run the Adex during this cycle as the Mast helped. Anytime i took even a dose of .25mg seems to make my joints hurt and would kill my libido.

Third cycle
Week 1-4 Anadrol 50mg daily
Weeks 1-12- Test E 250mg weekly broken up into 2 pins
Weeks 3-10- Tren E 400mg weekly (200mg x2pins)
Week 3-14 HCG 500ius weekly
Starting week 15 I ran 500ius daily HCG x10 days, Nolva at 40/40/20/20, Aromasin 25mg x10 days Vitamin E 1000ius x 4 weeks

The best recovery I've experienced in PCT Was the HCG/Nolva/Aromasin combo. Clomid makes me far to emotional and to this 2 I still have E2 issues and monitor my bloodwork. Will there ever be a time when I will not have E2 issues? It's very frustating going to have sex multiple times a day to once or twice a day and that if I can even finish the second time. Also times I seem to become very depressed since my first cycle which was not something that happened prior to my first cycle. Also there are time I'm not even sure if I could get erect which then messes with my head and then its all down hill from there. I started my first cycle 2 years ago and I space them out every 6 months. I am debating on just blasting and cruising instead of PCT from now on that way I know some of these issues can subside..Any thoughts?

Also, I am preparing for another cycle

Test prop 50mg daily
Tren Ace 50mg daily
Winny 50mg daily
I have prami, adex, aromasin on hand if needed

Post cycle will be HCG/Nolva/Aromasin/Vit# combo as stated above. I am running shots daily to keep levels more even. Thoughts?


I am working on dropping 25 pounds before the cycle actually starts
Just a few. Use the AI to prevent problems. Do have it laying around for when a problems comes up. Prevent the aromatization.

Don't use HCG during PCT. HCG suppresses your natural LH signal. You trying to get your HPTA working again - not continue to suppress it. Run HCG during the cycle starting week 1 all he way up until you start PCT.

Don't cruise until you become hypogonadal. TRT is not as fun as it sounds.

What is your Natty T at?

P.S. I don't think Winny is the best choice for you.
Agree w/above and get bf% down to 12-14% before starting. Im sure you are aware that sides, especially gyno, are more likely w/a higher bf% while using. I would much rather go w/a low dose of clomid before using hcg during pct.
Good luck.
Last Set of BW was 1 month ago..

FSH 1.3 (1.4-18.1)
LH 8.6 (1.5-9.3)
Prolactin 9.2 (2.1-17.7)
E2 86.4 (11.6-41.2)
Serum 882 (348-1197)
Free 21.2 (9.3-26.5)

Why don't you think winny is for me? My weight? Right now my BF is around 13-15% bf last time I used clipers.

So if I run HCG during cycle which would be the best choice am I just running traditonal nolva/clomid for PCT? Clomid really messes me up lol

Thank you guys for the quick response. Also I'll be running my next cycle for 8 weeks when I do hit the weight goals I have currently set. Preference between adex or aromasin? Should I use AI in pct also? I always get mixed reviews..
Instead of running Prop same does as tren should I run my test at 25mg ED and tren at 50mg every day to maximize results of the tren and reduce it's sides? Or is that to low of a dose for prop?