Introducing another optimum pharma athlete with pictures


Dear Friends,
Sometimes i would like to show you what type of results our users can get
The fellow you see below is competing every year in Arnold Classic Amateur in 165 lbs ( 75kg) class.
He always gets a place in Top 6 , His favourite product for competition preparation is :
Ultrabol 150 :
Trenbolone Acetate 50 mg/ml
Testosterone Propionate 50 mg/ml
Drostanolone Propionate 50 mg/ml

He also adds Oxandrolone and Winstrol tablets according to form

When he bulks , he generally prefers :

Decabolon 400 : Nandrolone Mix 400 mg/ml
Equibolon 400 : Boldenone Mix 400 mg/ml
Testabolon 400 :Testosterone mix 400 mg/ml

With additional Dianabol Tablets
If you have any questions related to your cycle or product in the mind , you can share here
If you want to know how and where you can order Optimum Pharma , please PM me or write here , i will contact you right away
Please dont forget , if you tell that Doc sent you while you order , you get 1 more free product
If you are not member , use google to find where to order , its pretty easy to find :)
Now Optimum Pharma ship to USA with FDA approved account, so 98% of all orders to USA are delivered safely in just 3-4 business days
Please tell that you want to use Private Courrier service for this great shipping method
Take Care ,
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There is something familiar about that guy. Either he used to eat a member here, but Ive seen 1 of those pics before
There is something familiar about that guy. Either he used to eat a member here, but Ive seen 1 of those pics before
There is something familiar about that guy. Either he used to eat a member here, but Ive seen 1 of those pics before
He is from EU, not US guy , but maybe he could be a member in here also. Now he is an Optimum Pharma representitive in his region
How many years you guys think to achieve those results?

Bout tree fitty

Some of you guys really are naive. You can't take any specimen, have him do x number of exercises(sets, reps, etc) administer x number of mgs of said compounds and achieve a given result in x years.

There are just too many variables to list. In my limited experience, putting on the mass with various exercises using AAS to assist can be achieved by quite e few.
Only a select few from those can/will diet down correctly to achieve a classic bodybuilder physique with single digit bf.

In short, it's virtually impossible to say how many years it will take( if it can even be achieved) savvy?
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Bout tree fitty

Some of you guys really are naive. You can't take any specimen, have him do x number of exercises(sets, reps, etc) administer x number of mgs of said compounds and achieve a given result in x years.

There are just too many variables to list. In my limited experience, putting on the mass with various exercises using AAS to assist can be achieved by quite e few.
Only a select few from those can/will diet down correctly to achieve a classic bodybuilder physique with single digit bf.

In short, it's virtually impossible to say how many years it will take( if it can even be achieved) savvy?
Thats about the size of it man. Not everyone can look like that. In fact, very few can. Very few people have the combined physical AND mental genetics to achieve a physique of that stature. Some people have the drive but no physical genetics, some people have the genetics but no drive. And, some have neither. Its rare to see someone who has both and actually tap into it.

either way though, this dude looks great!!
Bout tree fitty

Some of you guys really are naive. You can't take any specimen, have him do x number of exercises(sets, reps, etc) administer x number of mgs of said compounds and achieve a given result in x years.

There are just too many variables to list. In my limited experience, putting on the mass with various exercises using AAS to assist can be achieved by quite e few.
Only a select few from those can/will diet down correctly to achieve a classic bodybuilder physique with single digit bf.

In short, it's virtually impossible to say how many years it will take( if it can even be achieved) savvy?

You went overboard with this man. He asked the question of basically how long do you think it took for HIM to achieve those results. Hell, I thought the same thing. There are two pros that train at my gym and I have asked them the same question, just out of curiosity.

He didnt say, how long could it possibly take someone to get like that. He meant that person, in the picture specifically.
You went overboard with this man. He asked the question of basically how long do you think it took for HIM to achieve those results. Hell, I thought the same thing. There are two pros that train at my gym and I have asked them the same question, just out of curiosity.

He didnt say, how long could it possibly take someone to get like that. He meant that person, in the picture specifically.
Exactly. In all honesty, the community here is very volatile from what I've seen these passed few weeks. 90% of the responses I've read are all aimed toward negativity. I was asking a hypothetical
Question, which is... If someone had the genetics, "drive" and access to any diet/life style/ supplements needed, how long till they can reach those type of results? But, because i was not as specific as I am now, I am naive. Nice one.
Exactly. In all honesty, the community here is very volatile from what I've seen these passed few weeks. 90% of the responses I've read are all aimed toward negativity. I was asking a hypothetical
Question, which is... If someone had the genetics, "drive" and access to any diet/life style/ supplements needed, how long till they can reach those type of results? But, because i was not as specific as I am now, I am naive. Nice one.

Don't get all butthurt bro. Lately it just seems like there are numerous threads about " can I look like this guy or that guy".
Usually it's the younger crowd that hasn't yet found love lifting heavy things just for fun, but only for the aspect of looking stronger and more aesthetic for the opposite gender.

I jumped to conclusions based on previous posts that were similar in nature, so I apologize for taking your post out of context.
There is something familiar about that guy. Either he used to eat a member here, but Ive seen 1 of those pics before

Holy shit, I'll do a lot of things for gains, but I draw the line at cannabilism!

Joking apart, great physique on the guy, fair play to your lab guys Doc and him too of course!
Exactly. In all honesty, the community here is very volatile from what I've seen these passed few weeks. 90% of the responses I've read are all aimed toward negativity. I was asking a hypothetical
Question, which is... If someone had the genetics, "drive" and access to any diet/life style/ supplements needed, how long till they can reach those type of results? But, because i was not as specific as I am now, I am naive. Nice one.

You will find that most guys who DO have the drive and the genetics to succeed, will have had a background in sport, and will therefore have some form of musculature anyway. These blokes don't just walk into a gym as an overweight couch potato and develop from there.

I would guess that 99% of all bodybuilders have been footballers, rugby players, powerlifters, basketballers or hockey players earlier in their life and therefore the competitive element has been engrained from young. This competitive element is crucial when pushing themselves in the gym (pain-barrier) the kitchen (self-discipline) and their social life (booze-free)....

With musculature, mindset and discipline already in place - I doubt it would take a guy (with the right connections for gear) longer than 3 to 4 years to get in that shape. But don't be under the illusion that just anybody can do this. Because Schredder and Carverelli are correct, very few people can do what these guys do!
I think people need to think like : How i can get to best version of myself
I have seen many guys who were not ripped like this guy in here or like me
But their symmetry and volume looked very nice. I mean yes maybe very few people can look like that but you can still look pretty good