introduction and pre-cycle pics


R.I.P Dimebag
Hey everyone, just wanted to take a minute to introduce name is Jim. I'm a member at a couple other forums but they seem to be quite slow these days. I've heard all good things about this site and started lurking around this forum last month. Awesome people here and great info.
Down to business....I'm currently on day 27 of my cycle: 500mg/week test enan and 200mg/week of eq. Here's a pre-cycle pic taken the day of the first pin.
I'll post another one at week 6 and week 12.
It's good to be here.
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Oh yea, stats...
29 yrs old
170 lbs
probably 10-12% bf
this will be my 3rd cycle
I started lifting at age 22 and weighed between 125-130 lbs

This picture was taken after about 3 years of natural lifting (145-150 lbs)
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look big for much harder to fill out the frame of a 6' footer..

nice work..welcome
^^Thanks Acztech, yea man normally us shorter people have an easier time filling out.
As for me, I've been a super skinny twirp all my life so filling out was quite difficult. I decided to do my first cycle at age 25 and it was the best decision I ever made. Stacked on 24 pounds and managed to maintain 15 permanently. The second cycle a year later stacked on 18 pounds but I only kept about 9.
It's been almot 18 months since I've cycled...I hit day 28 tomorrow and the test is really kickin in now... The last 4-5 days I'm feeling like I want deadlift a car and then punch someone in the throat..fugg yea
Lookin awesome man! I'd reconsider the EQ @ 200mg/wk...that's practically a useless dosage. If you don't want to go any higher, I'd drop the test to about 300 and increase the EQ to 400 and run it no less than 12 weeks.
Good job buddy, nice gains. I really dig before/after pis, they inspire me to lift harder. Keep us posted.
outlawtas2 said:
Lookin awesome man! I'd reconsider the EQ @ 200mg/wk...that's practically a useless dosage. If you don't want to go any higher, I'd drop the test to about 300 and increase the EQ to 400 and run it no less than 12 weeks.
Yea I only have enough eq to run it at 200mg/week. I figured it might help a little with bloat. I bloated on my last test only cycle and had hardly any definition by weeks far the small amount of eq is helping me keep more definition, especially in my abs and obliques. Plus it blends nicely with the enanthe and makes for a less painful injec site.
Thanks for the advice, I may run a higher eq:test ratio on my next cycle.
LiftTillIDie said:
200 mg's of Eq is not doing any of the things you said.
. I've heard EQ referred to as "Test Lite". You need to get some more EQ asap, and run it longer as previously suggested. I'd say at least 16 weeks for EQ. Just my 2 cc's.