IRON FLEX SUPPLEMENTS Preworkout (Quake) log

Today at the gym a buddy of mine seen me preparing my Quake in my shaker and ask about it. I gave him a scoop and 30 minutes this guy was off the chain sweating doing setis and hitting the treadmill. He ask wth is in that stuff, I was laughing at him telling him I know bro i know. He's a chubby bowed up guy but today at the end of his workout he was killing some cardio lol.

I hit calves and bicepts today had a super good pump with good endurance. Recomp is going well I'm starting to stack on some muscle and ive lost a considerable amount of fat. Quake is fantastic for hitting weights and then still having something left for a little cardio.
Today after school a girlfriend of mine ask if I wanted to go with her to her gym, so I accompanied her. Drank my Quake as I warmed up on a elliptical. After I warmed up i made my way to the free weights and hit shoulders. I slammed them hard, no breaks. One super set after the other hammering each head. The weights were located in front of the staffing desk and i noticed they were staring at me like i was some kind of bizarre creature they'd never seen. I just thought to myself it's not my fault you members don't ssuper set. I worked out very vigorously with minimal resting so i done no cardio.

all in all a great workout i think Quake let me apply some shock at the local planet fitness today.
I went to the gym with one mission today and that was to destroy legs. Previously when I trained legs squatting I just went very heavy and down to parallel. Coming off an injury I've been squatting light and going butt to floor. I wasn't used to it at first so I was struggling with 225. Today I was hammering out 285 and I believe I could've got a little more. I completed 5 sets of squats, 3 set of leg presses, 3 set leg extentions, 3 sets of leg curls then completed a few sets on lower back. And I was doing high rep calves raises the entire routine. I then finished with 15 minuets of inclined walking.
I'd never been able to do cardio without the Quake today. Worth it's weight in gold for endurance.
I came close to getting married about half a year ago and a month before I pulled out the axe. Best decision I ever made. And your direct answer is "as many as I can" get swole =lots of women.
I came close to getting married about half a year ago and a month before I pulled out the axe. Best decision I ever made. And your direct answer is "as many as I can" get swole =lots of women.

Lol! Before I got married, my boss gave me crap all the time for having 18 "girlfriends" in my phone. He couldn't understand how I kept them all straight and remembered who was who.
I posted some shirtless pics on my fb and I had women I'd never met or spoken to writing me messages asking to hang out. Men can't compare to how assertive women can be in pursuit of a male they find physically attractive.
After work i swing by the gym for what I thought was going to be a quick session. I drink my quake on the elliptical warming up. initially I planned on just training chest, but once I got started there wasn't any stopping. I hammered more triceps and chest for 2 hours. then I did 17 minutes of cardio to boot. Endurance endurance....

my before and after photos are pretty dramatic. I'll be getting them up in the next few days as I finish off the tub of quake.
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Alright yall, had a good gym day after class. Hit bi's and calves. Hammered them both extremely well. Finished with a decent paced 20 minutes medium intensity "miss" cardio. The leaner I get the more of a pump I notice. Good stuff.
There are 30 days between the pictures. I begin carb cycling a 4 days ago, today is carb load day and this picture is after I drank Quake which has a large amount of creatine so pertaining to fat loss this most probably isn't a true representation. Quake has 25 servings per tub and I estimate I have another 5 servings left. I will post another pic 2 days post usage of Quake and deplete carbs for 2 days this will give an accurate show of leaning. muscle fullness has a great improvement so the creatine cocktail has done its job. Words hold no weight to pictures so saying Quake works is useless the proof is in the pictures.View attachment 559109
Last night after work I hit chest and this afternoon I hit legs. The most significant aspect of quality is the endurance Quake offers. Being able to physically handle 15 minuets of hitt after a heavy session is really what has given me the results. It's useful for lifting or cardio. All around its a very very solid product that's very versatile that virtually anyone with any goals or any regimen would be able to benefit from.
I just plowed through a thorough back workout. I bet I done 10 sets on traps, no joke. Finished up with 15 minuets of miss cardio. I have roughly one workout serving left. Going to make the most out of it tomorrow and destroy some shoulders.
Well I finished off the tub today. Hit shoulders today and it was all super sets then ended with high rep. Didn't do any cardio but I had only eaten breakfast I was physically spent bad. So I doubled up on the whey after.
Final say for the product is that is more then solid. Focus and endurance. You won't have to drink 2 gallons of water for it to work. All around i approve. I appreciate the opportunity to run this log.