IronMagLabs February Contest

What's your history like with PH's? I would go for the Halo or Deca-drol. Halo clone and looks like the Deca is M-LMG. Both should be really solid.
hmmm, Halo is a good first PH in my opinion. You could actually incorporate it into a cycle if you wanted. Halo with a test base wouldn't be bad at all. good for cutting. the deca-drol would be great for bulking. Very wet gains.
I have zero history with them One of those two good
For between cycles ?

NONE are good for inbetween cycles, there all gonna shut you down.
you should take your time off to recover.
I would rec it NEXT time your on cycle.

I highly rec the methadrol extrem, but watch your liver or use of other orals. aslong as you have been off orals for a few weeks before use and give it a few weeks after, you should be fine, I rec running some sort of liver support like forged liver from NTBM or just some genral milk thistle.
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