is 300 too big


New member
right now im 265 with 15% body fat . i am trying to get lean but i want to be big and lean, you know like the wrestler Batista. except he is 318 and i think he's taller than i am. anyways right now my cycle is:

- 20 mg oxanabol ( by british dragon) per day

- 200-400 ml testosterone enthanate per week

- 200 ml trenabol 200 ( british dragon) every 4 days

my strngth has almost doubled in a month . but i am losing body fat .what i want to know is , okay i want to get to 300 .is there something else i should be taking ? like dbol perhaps?my frame is very wide and broad so i dont think my muscles are big enough . a lil help here guys, you guys are the pros...thanks
How old and how tall are you?? Also..I wouldn't just shoot for a bodyweight because it sounds cool.. go for a bodyweight that suits your needs.... powerlifter, bodybuilder or bitch getter.... and watch the diet...
right now im 6-2 and im 26 years old. but even when i was 17-18 years old i was the same height and my waist has never been under 36 inches for my height. and back then i was 100 lbs less than what i am now?
if you want to get bigger just keep eating more and pushing up your big lifts.
your cycle is fine.

dont let the kcal go too overboard, 5000 is probobly close to perfect for you. bulk up till your bodyfat is about 18 then trim back down. If you gain 4% bf that alone will be 10lbs, and you should be able to gain 10-15lbs of muscle along with that. It should take about 6 weeks to get that fat off then. repeat as needed.
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To be honest, I think 300lbs is too big. The WWF wrestler Davie Boy Smith always wanted to be 300lbs and it eventually killed him. There were other factos involved, but I think a lean 250lbs is perfect.

Champ said:
To be honest, I think 300lbs is too big. The WWF wrestler Davie Boy Smith always wanted to be 300lbs and it eventually killed him. There were other factos involved, but I think a lean 250lbs is perfect.


It also depends a lot on your height. At 6'4 a lean 250 is respectable but 300 looks a lot better.
LiftTillIDie said:
It also depends a lot on your height. At 6'4 a lean 250 is respectable but 300 looks a lot better.

Yeah. It's about proportion. A 5' guy wanting 250 is like a 7' guy wanting 300.
It's not to big if you are the starting right tackle for the Raiders...actually, you could prolly play better than the one they have right now...
so whats the suggested amount of test per week to get big and lean? my back is almost 3 feet wide and you guys are still saying 260 is good for my height, but my build is very broad
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I would paint a clear picture in your mind of how you want to look. I doubt you just want to be 300lbs. You probably want to be 300lbs with at least a 4 pack maybe a six pack. The best thing to do is eat alot and dont obsess about how much size you are puttin on or if you are putting it on fast enough. It will come so long as you train and eat and cycle correctly. If you can put on 20 to 30 lbs over the course of the next 6 months or so and then trim the fat you'll probably slowly begin to see the results you imagine. Of course you will probably have to do this bulk then sculpt method quite a few times before you get to where you want to be.