Is 500mg Test E the standard for newbies?


New member
I read the sticky that showed the differences in 300mg test E and 600mg with the 600 mg looking like the best option. I just get nervous as a newbie of tearing something. I also have no real idea what gains could be expected. Really just trying to learn here at the moment. I’m still pretty far from actually jumping on the Gainz Train lol.
500mg of test is best reccomended for starters. View attachment 567054 just continue to read all the stickies and ask away. a person such as yourself will have a close to perfect cycle as you are a science teacher and thus log and maintain a solid cycle.
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Throw out some stats and you may get some very specific advice. Age, weight, BFP...........exercise plan, diet

I like that you're aware of the threat of injury. First time messing with hormones can/Will bring about significant strength increase. Best handled, in my opinion, by increasing reps instead of weight. DO NOT GO FOR THE ONE REP OF 405 on bench. Just cuz you can do it doesn't mean you should. :) If you eat a ton and go thru with the beginner plan expect strength.......lots of it.
As stated all the info you can get your hands on. Gains to expect?......everyone is different. Sucks cuz it's not what you want to hear but it's true. Some people gain more water than others, some people gain more muscle and then some people gain more of both and see 20-30 pounds. Of course all that water falls off in the end. Bust your ass before, during and after to ensure best results. Eating and lifting for gains throughout......if gains are your goal ;)
Have fun and good luck bro

And as always...consult a Dr before you get started. You need a prescription if you live in the states ;)
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Man I really appreciate the advice. Everyone on here seems to be extremely helpful. So “late start” what exactly am I looking for as far as blood work goes? Liver enzymes? Also my stats at the moment are 5’7” 175 lbs. I don’t go over 2,500 calories a day, and my protein ranges from 150-180. I’m losing about .5-1 lbs a week to cut to 165. I don’t think I will start anything until next winter because it looks like I’m going to want to attempt a bulk at that time. I still have a lot to learn about nutrition before then however.
500 testE/week is the basic starting regimen for newbs. I recommend using privatemdlabs for blood work and get the Female Hormone panel. You dont have to be female, but it has all the labs you need from CBC, glucose, liver, test, estrogen, lh, fsh.
Man I really appreciate the advice. Everyone on here seems to be extremely helpful. So ***8220;late start***8221; what exactly am I looking for as far as blood work goes? Liver enzymes? Also my stats at the moment are 5***8217;7***8221; 175 lbs. I don***8217;t go over 2,500 calories a day, and my protein ranges from 150-180. I***8217;m losing about .5-1 lbs a week to cut to 165. I don***8217;t think I will start anything until next winter because it looks like I***8217;m going to want to attempt a bulk at that time. I still have a lot to learn about nutrition before then however.

On a basic cycle level I'd focus my attention on estrogen control and controlling blood thickness. Adjust AI dosage to get estro where ya want it and donate blood to control blood thickening. Those are probably the two most likely issues to arise. Had both issues myself and controlled them easily. Again.....everyone is different. Get bloods and post them here for further help. Some guys on here are AWESOME at this stuff. And no.....liver enzymes should not be an issue on injectable test. Watch them closely if you take anything orally
I saw on another thread that you want to lose 10 pounds. I posted there too. You don't need anything but cardio and diet to lose 10 pounds. You're almost there right now, good job. Update everyone on your progress so we can learn from one another. Good luck my friend
If it's any help for reference - I'm doing my first cycle of test prop 350mg a week, and while I have noticed a definite increase in size and strength, I'm beginning to see why a lot of people consider this to be too low of a dose. Gains are modest thus far, I would imagine 500 would yield results more in line with a beginners expectations for their first round of anabolic use.
Exactly, if you go through all the pain in the ass issues about buying and using AAS, all the sides & impact to your HPTA, and the issues around time off = time on - you'll come to the conclusion that low dose cycles are not where it's at.