Is 6 week's too long for superdrol?


Product of Test
Fiqured I would give superdrol a try till the next yr. when i will run another test cycle. I was running the low down on PCT. I was going to get clomid from researchology. How long will it last and what dose should i run for how long? I know the typical prtocol's with Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) but not Sup's.

Search much???

6 weeks is fine but i suggest taking at least 20mg in the start. One in the morning and one 30min before a workout. Then after a week or two of that jump to 30mg and start taking two pills before a work out.
aProtege said:
Search much???

6 weeks is fine but i suggest taking at least 20mg in the start. One in the morning and one 30min before a workout. Then after a week or two of that jump to 30mg and start taking two pills before a work out.

That's the dosage i was reading from I want to find M1-T i hear it's much more efeective but ive searched the net and can't seem to find it.
Have you tried superdrol or m1-T?
My buddy that showed me Superdrol did M1-T... while M1-T works a little better it has a lot more side effects. Acne, redness, bloating of the face and a few other things. I had no side effects with superdrol and found it very effective. Just make sure you do a post cycle therapy (pct) and you'll be good.

I plan on taking superdrol again in Jan.
i wouldnt take superdrol longer than 4 weeks ....max. Alot of people stop seeing results after the 2nd week. I have a few friends that did it, and that is what happened to them. Dont get me wrong, they saw wonderful results until then, and they kinda hit a "wall"
So could SD be taken for 2 weeks then do post cycle therapy (pct), then do another 2 week cycle later on? Just cycle SD 2 weeks at a time? Most do 3 weeks but if they stop seeing results after 2 then why not just do 2 weeks cycles? Which is better for post cycle therapy (pct) clomid or nolvadex?