Is body fat that big of a deal in determining if I should do a cycle or not?

Wally trolly

New member
Im about to purchase npp and test propionate I am also getting an e blocker. But my big question is should I do a cycle with my BF at 20%?
Not sure if it matters but I am only 3 months out of college athletics and still doing plenty of cardio.
Two things stuck out at me in your post.

1. Yes, body fat most certainly matters. Adipose tissue (belly fat) is where we store a great deal of hormonally active fat containing aromatase. This enzyme is responsible for the conversion of testosterone to estradiol (most potent form of estrogen), which is where the side effects come from.

This makes managing blood pressure, gynecomastia, acne, prostatitis, and all the other potential nasties harder. AAS is NOT the way to lose weight if that's your goal.

2. You state that you're still doing cardio. This tells me you're trying to lose fat (yes, the title clued me in obviously), which is seriously all about diet. If you don't know how to eat properly, you will not be satisfied with the results at all. I'm not blowing smoke up your ass, I did it the WRONG way, and speak from experience that there isn't a shortcut.

I also have to ask how old you are. If you're fresh out of college athletics, I would imagine you're under 24-25, which is a bad idea in itself. AAS disrupts the process of puberty (25 is when we stop as males), and while your height may have ceased changing, the important stuff is happening now - like cognitive ability, reasoning, et cetera.

I would hold off for now. Get things like diet mastered, get in the gym, and if you still have a few years to go - enjoy mastering these in the meantime - so you'll be truly ready.

My .02c :)
shouldn't be too hard to lose 5% bf could it? And yeah I am 23.
Not to worried about the end weight honestly I just wanna be big. haha
but thank you for the advice!
shouldn't be too hard to lose 5% bf could it? And yeah I am 23.
Not to worried about the end weight honestly I just wanna be big. haha
but thank you for the advice!

Yep, just spend the next year or so preparing for a cycle if you're still interested at that point. Spend as much time as you can learning EVERYTHING there is to learn about nutrition and exercise.

That 5% is the tip of the iceberg. Once you gain some size, you'll probably discover that you want abs to go with your hard earned muscles, which is another 5-6% body fat.

The desire to improve never ends. Hahaha. ;)
Two things stuck out at me in your post.

1. Yes, body fat most certainly matters. Adipose tissue (belly fat) is where we store a great deal of hormonally active fat containing aromatase. This enzyme is responsible for the conversion of testosterone to estradiol (most potent form of estrogen), which is where the side effects come from.

This makes managing blood pressure, gynecomastia, acne, prostatitis, and all the other potential nasties harder. AAS is NOT the way to lose weight if that's your goal.

My .02c :)
Thanks for saying this Halfwit! SO many people out there think its a easy way out and just a pill for this and a pill for that.
If you were already willing to spend money on a cycle, I would seriously contact 3J (he had ads and threads on this site) to help you get your exercise routine and diet spot on. He costs far less than one good cycle and PCT and what you learn you will keep forever.

Trust me on this. I am 47 (almost) and he took me from 28% body fat to 14% body fat without drugs at all.