Is diet soda bad for you.

Is it ok to drink diet soda, powerade zero, or crystal lite as long as you drink water through out the day also.

Diet soda has been shown to cause some cancers and other problems in recent studies. Who knows if its true or not but def. something to think about.

I love water, all I drink but its a nice change of pace to mix up some 0 calorie crystal light.

Im not sure whats in powerade zero so cant give you a good answer.
Drink More Diet Soda, Gain More Weight?

That's a good read for you.

To sum it up, Yes. Diet soda is as bad if not worse than regular soda.

I think it's hysterical when I am in the grocery store buying some things, and there is a massive person in front of me at the checkout with all their saturated and straight up nasty foods, with a couple cases of diet soda on the bottom rack of the cart. HAH.
hahahahahahaha-i know when i was in college i use to bartend-they would order a burger and fries with ranch-and a captain and diet-hahahahaha
I understand in most people's cases that diet soda is bad because they think that since they are drinkin diet soda they can eat bad food to make up for the diet drink. In my case tho I have been eating clean for 10 weeks tryin to cut down for summer time. I probably drink between 2-4 diet soft drinks a day but I also consume atleast 4 32 oz bottles water a day too. I have continued to loose weight this whole time. I am only asking if it is bad for you to consume diet soda and eat clean along with it. Makes me wonder if I had cut out the soda all together if I would have had even better results.
Those studies were about cancer in the stomachs of rats im pretty sure. Im a sodaholic and while it may not be any better to drink diet, it has less sugar. Frescas seem to have the best taste without the sugar IMO.
Those studies were about cancer in the stomachs of rats im pretty sure. Im a sodaholic and while it may not be any better to drink diet, it has less sugar. Frescas seem to have the best taste without the sugar IMO.

Im not arguing that at all, most studies are done on animals. But you can't argue that drinking diet soda is better than not drinking soda.
I would honestly keep the soda to a minimum even if its diet. I never drink any soda unless i go out to eat somewhere. If youre trying to cut stick to water, at the most through in some crystal light.
This has been debated for years. Some people feel diet soda is bad. They think they gain weight, they don't feel good, etc. Others love it. I for one have no problems drinking it and use it for contesting. I love it! It's not bad for me personally.
I'm glad to see someone say something positive about diet soda. I feel I am doing really well with weight loss. It hasn't made me gain weight at all but I've been doing a high protein/ vegetable diet the last 10 weeks also .
diet soda doesn't bother me.. im not gonna say its good for u.. soda all together (except club soda) is bad for you... keep it in moderation
I drink the coke zero. 1 a day in the evening. Did it all thru my last prep. Not one issue.

That and sugar free jello is a savior when you're dieting.
The answer is a resounding yes and for a number of reasons:

1. Sodas bad for your teeth - although diet sodas contain far less sugar than regular sodas and are mostly made up of artificial sweeteners, they're still highly acidic and may damage your teeth in the long run.

2. Diet soda can make you gain weight - even though diet drinks contain less calories than the original beverage, it that they're really that good. They might still be rich in calories. In addition, there's nothing like sweetened drinks to help you develop a craving for other sweet food, which means more calories.

3. Drinking diet sodas makes you drink less of more healthy beverages like water, green tea, or natural juices. You're missing out on the good things and sticking to the bad.

Drinking can harm your diets even more than eating, because drinking doesn't really make you any less hungry. All in all, diet sodas can be bad for you and they don't contribute anything that's for sure.
The answer is a resounding yes and for a number of reasons:

1. Sodas bad for your teeth - although diet sodas contain far less sugar than regular sodas and are mostly made up of artificial sweeteners, they're still highly acidic and may damage your teeth in the long run.

2. Diet soda can make you gain weight - even though diet drinks contain less calories than the original beverage, it that they're really that good. They might still be rich in calories. In addition, there's nothing like sweetened drinks to help you develop a craving for other sweet food, which means more calories.

3. Drinking diet sodas makes you drink less of more healthy beverages like water, green tea, or natural juices. You're missing out on the good things and sticking to the bad.

Drinking can harm your diets even more than eating, because drinking doesn't really make you any less hungry. All in all, diet sodas can be bad for you and they don't contribute anything that's for sure.

Aren't diet soda's calorie free by nature? I drink about a gallon of water a day, after that it's diet pepsi. I used to work for Coca Cola and you couldn't pay me to drink one of their products.
Diet Soda generally contains nutrasweet (aspartame). It is often a core ingredient in meal replacement drinks / protein shakes.

I would advise anyone to avoid any food or drink containing this chemical.

I was getting a constant headaches and eventually discovered that they were caused by aspartame.

Google 'aspartame' and 'brain cancer' and make up your own mind.

It was actually originally not approved, but managed to achieve FDA approval when it's creators hired Donald Rumsfeld to lobby on their behalf.
I like me a diet soda once and awhile otherwise it's just water. I also drink a lot of skim milk.
Diet and Black Label =)

The best answer is If your going to drnk a soda it might as well be a diet. If you need to drink it should be water.
Diet soda may not have the sugar or calories of regular soda, but it’s chock-full of other health-draining chemicals, like caffeine, artificial sweeteners, sodium and phosphoric acid. This is even more concerning when parents give their growing — and chemically vulnerable — children diet soda in a noble effort to avoid sugar.
I love Diet Dr. Pepper like nobodies business. But when I started my transformation I started drinking about a gallon of water a day. I could tell almost instantly that when I drink water I am fuller and have less of a desire to eat (overeat). It seems like the diet soda actually made me hungry. On cheat days I do however pop a DDP or two. Something I will probably never get over, but I'm trying.