Is estrogen necessary for a cycle?


New member
Hey guys. Ive been trying to figure out if i should take anastrozole with my next cycle, but it seems as though one research differs from the next, so im asking the people who have used trial and error or even someone who swears by a certain research. Ive checked up on all the products of the next cycle and NONE of which have any estrogen conversion ( alpha one max, deca drol max and furuza 50). However, i am prone to gyno and i want to take this as safely as possible so im not sure if anastrozole would be necessary even in low doses. My goal is to pack on as much lean mass as possible with little to no fat gains. My diet will be very clean. I have heard some studies swear that estrogen is needed to build most of your lean mass, but others differ. Thanks before hand.
Also, i plan on taking alpha one at 3 pills daily although the bottle recommends only 1 - 2 due to it being the sweet spot for most people. The deca drol max and furuza are both non-methylated and i will taking to max recommended dosage of those as well. Will this be a good cycle a long as i am following the cycle assist correctly with the eight pills a day? Or should i add some other precautionary measures?
Also, while im making a thread, i might as well ask, is it bad to take clomid and nolva for a few more than four weeks? Again, some studies strongly disagree with this while others are ok with it for an extra 2-3 weeks as long as i continue lowering the dosage
Thanks again.
Yes, men need estrogen. Most find that keeping their estradiol in the 20-40 range on the sensitive assay to be the sweet spot.

You should always run an AI while cycling. I think you can also run a SERM like tamoxifen while cycling if you are prone to gyno but I have never tried that myself.
U run a big risk by not using a AI while on any type of cycle.

If your an experienced guy with 5+ cycles under your belt and know how your body will react you may be able to get away without one but if not I'd say it's a must.
What are symptoms of low E? I know joint pain is one. What about libido, appetite and enerfy? How are those affect by crushing estrogen.
I used too much adex my first cycle one week and joints hurt, felt sleepy, and was hungry as fuck. More of cravings than hunger. Don't know if that's related or what. No I never did get bloodwork so I don't know my e levels. I know I know I need to.