Is Europa Quality Laboratories Euro Teston 400 the real deal?


New member
My last cycle was on Testosterona 200 mg/ml, but that was years ago. Anyone have knowledge on this product?

Thank you!
First Pin wasnt too painful. Burned heavy for a few days. Right glute 1cc
Second Pin, left glute 1.5cc, super painful. Been 4 days and still hard to sit on.

should I dilute? with what and how much to make 200mg/ml?

any help is appreciated
Why are you injecting 1.5 cc all at once. . That is 600 mg of test in one shot..

It's a testosterone "blend"-- it probably contains long and short esters,, smaller injections more often is gonna be better..
Like a half CC on m/w/f
Dilute it with deca, as it's pretty mild and smooth. Unless this is your first cycle, then just smaller inj more often like was mentioned previously
Thank you

Thank you for the information. That does makes more sense 1/2 ml multiple times a week...
PIP is to be expected with highly concentrated gear. Do you have some at a lower concentration that you can dilute it with?
No... I found a source in Miami and that was all they had. I will go with 1/2 ml multiple times a week to get away from the mule kick.