Is HGH the same as Pituitary Growth Hormone?


Not Novice, But Not Pro
Is HGH the same as Pituitary Growth Hormone? Google has not provided a clear answer. I was told by the nurse at the Blood Clinic, I could not give blood if I took Pituitary Growth Hormone. I told her I did not believe Pituitary Growth Hormone is the same as HGH. I take HGH amongst a bunch of other prescribed things to keep me healthy. I'm sure she thought I was druggie, lol.
Yes, the 2 terms are referring to the same thing.

The one he's referring to is NOT the same. HGH purchased today actually is created by reprogramming bacteria to create the hormone. HGH *used* to be harvested from the pituitary glands of cadavers, which unfortunately also transmitted rare diseases like creutzfeldt-jakob, which is transmitted to recipients of your donation.

Don't worry, prescribed (and 99.999% of UGL) growth hormone will be of rDNA origin, which is safe. Much like how insulin used to come from cows, which passed to humans too. Now it too is from bacteria that have been implanted with a new set of "instructions via DNA manipulation. :)
Ah yes, I see what you're saying. I totally forgot about that.

My apologies for the bad information.

You are technically correct though. It's just the context that changes the answer he was looking for. I'm a frequent donor, so I knew right away as I've had to answer those questions so many times, I pretty much don't even read them anymore. :spin::laugh: