Is Homemade Prop Painful???


New member
Was gonna make some homemade prop from a kit from gpz. 100mg/ml .Should it be painful? Also made some fina out of a kit from universalkits, @ 100mg/ml. Are they known to be painful?? Later
Some batches are from what I hear. I made it using dazed kit and i have no problem at all!
the_hulk said:
most of the time it depends on how much "magic solution" or BA is in the solution.

solvent normally doesnt play a part in pain (unless its rediculously high). its the ester or lack there of. some folks just dont do well with prop and pain. i like to feel the dose for a few days after i do one. lets me know its there. :insane2:
Prop Kills me.

I made some with 3%BA and 10%BB at 100mg/ml and it made me a cripple. I would rather just shoot Enan.