Is injectible oxandrolone worth it?


I am banned!
The only reason I could see is less stress on the liver and less of a drop in hdl. Anyone with experience?
Guess it still be same dose as the oral, 50mg injected daily?
no benefit at all imo . the reason is is because , as far as what i've seen , is that injectable anavar only comes in a water based solution . That means your chances of having an injection go bad and become a bacterial infection are increased by 1000 fold. water based injectables are notorious for infections.

run oral Var for 6 weeks . 100 bucks says your liver enzymes won't even elevate a couple points. doctors prescribe oral anavar for muscle wasting all the time , and don't concern themselves with liver issues from doing so.
Dbol, Adrol, etc.. is a whole other story. but Var is really not hard on the liver
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OP I think you just wanna be heard... I think you just wanna post Q's and start threads that make NO sense. Yep I have been watching.

You can only do this for some short time and then........... Well not for me to say is it.
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Anavar is a pussy when it comes to toxicity so no but i am a big fan of any oral injectable version i feel it is far more potent and hits you faster
Ya see again Simple Simon says anytime you can use an injectable or an injectable version then that would be better... ya think... other then what Roush said oral vs injectable huh...
I have been coming across water based steriods for the last few days about Winstrol and some say it's safe to drink.Also it's very painful.The shots are painful since it's water based.Now the Oils On the other hand with Injectable Oil Winstrol and like Injectable Oxandrolone,Which no one makes,the oil will hold the chemical of the steriod longer inside it's carrier oil.I've seen a reputable UG have the Oils and have seen lab tests cert.

Right less stress on the liver than the Orals.
Don't think guys get it .. The odds of going to the ER cause your liver is fuk and shutting down from taking Oral Var is virtually zero .
The odds of going to ER cause you have a bad fever and bacterial infection from injecting an under ground black market lab version of Var suspended in water is very possible
Don't think guys get it .. The odds of going to the ER cause your liver is fuk and shutting down from taking Oral Var is virtually zero .
The odds of going to ER cause you have a bad fever and bacterial infection from injecting an under ground black market lab version of Var suspended in water is very possible

I ran pharmacy oxandrolone for 6 weeks and no changes in my LFTs. However my hdl went from 45 to 17!
That's the real reason I'm thinking about the game injectible... less harsh on lipids maybe.
I ran pharmacy oxandrolone for 6 weeks and no changes in my LFTs. However my hdl went from 45 to 17!
That's the real reason I'm thinking about the game injectible... less harsh on lipids maybe.

I'll have to look into that , but from my experience oils are plenty harsh on lipids as well , tren for example .

Would need to look into the mechanism of action var plays on lipid profile to determine if administration orally is different then intermusculary
My bet would be that once var is in blood stream from either method , lipid profile effect is the same . But idk
Heck I'd prefer to inject sarms even , I like to inject daily .. But I think var is a pretty perfected oral , why mess with what works perfectly fine and has very little negative sides
I've gone through a few vials of injectable oxandrolone. The main advantages I saw were seemingly better bioavailability (felt stronger mg for mg) and no digestive system issues like I get with the oral.

The vials I got were oil based, not water based. My main complaint was with whatever solvent they used. It had a strong chemical smell, and I could taste it a few seconds after every injection. That's the only injectable I've tried that I actually tasted. It was weird.