Is it possible my symptoms are caused by low T?


New member
Hi guys I'm 18 years old and I feel like my life is falling apart right infront of my eyes. I have experienced all symptoms bolded constantly over a period of 2-3 years. fatigue, feeling weak, low libido, erectile dysfunction (weakened or lack of erections), poor sleep (i.e. insomnia), brain fog;, difficulty concentrating, loss of body hair (i.e. reduced shaving), depressed mood, increase in body fat, decreased muscle mass, decreased bone strength, lower sperm production, congestive heart failure, less endurance, loss of height(? My height dropped 1-2 cm compared to old height info, could just be a missmeasurement cause of different offices) , grumpiness, depression, deterioration in ability to play sports, falling asleep after dinner, and deterioration in work performance.

I am feeling extremely lethargic and I lack the energy to express my feelings in conversation leading to difficulty creating new friends and I can't keep up with my existing friends. I notice my energy is just not there and that obviously dulls the mood. I just feel overall about 100-200% weaker than I use to do both mentally and physically, I don't know how I used to feel before but I know that it wasn't this. My grades in school has gone from A/B to borderline E. I'm missing alot of school just cause I am way too tired and I started getting alot more anxious for some reason around people, confidence is completely gone I use to be outgoing and confident. I feel physically weaker and lack the explosiveness when I train martial arts. I feel like I've hit rock bottom and I have thoughts about death.

Doctors neglect my symptoms and say it's mental.

My last T readings were 268ng/dl, 318ng/dl, 286ng/dl. They've been ranging between 268ng/dl to 368ng/dl done over many tests under a period of about 1 ½ year.
My TSH was slightly elevated at 3.2 3.4 3.4 miu/L over three tests.
Free T4 was on top of the range though 22pmol/L
LH was most times around 4miu/L
FSH has been low all the time. 1.3-1.6 miU/L (below the reference on some tests)
SHBG low at 14nmol/L to 18nmol/L over several tests.

I'm about 180cm (5'11) and weigh 75kg (163 pounds). I have a bf% of about 17-18%. I've never done any types of steroids. I tried to boost my testosterone after my first low reading unsuccessfully with zinc, fish oil, high fat diet for a month, vitamin D, multivitamin.

I feel like I am going crazy. I don't have any childhood trauma or anything that would cause this depression.

Is it likely that my symptoms are caused by some of the blood values above? Where do I go from here?
A doctor mentioned something about testosterone-increasing hormones as a form of therapy, is there a clue for what he could be thinking of?

Thank you
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Your TT is low, all these symptoms might be related to your testosterone! But........

you are 18.....

The life that we as humans have these days, are no way natural. It is almost a hazzard to live, and the clock that you are running with is not your own its the system! Get up at 7, socialize, talk, walk, homework, eat, sleep.... Eventually this can lead to mental fatigue, insomnia, poor diet, high cortisol, stress and so much more... Now being like this is going to wreck your testosterone

I bet that if you went on a 1month holiday you´d come back refreshed and renewed... as you can build the life YOU want! Ive been bombed with chemo, surgeries and shit! My body simply does not function because medicine it-self killed it, so TRT is my life now

Look at your LH its abit low, FSH low! but you should try to redo your everyday life, and really treat yourself! then take another test in a month or two! Going on TRT, you most likely will be on for the rest of your life! If the next test with perfect life comes back low, then go ahead seek treatment with TRT or even HCG/Clomid as a kickstarter if that works
if its the standard american reference range.. those levels are low.. almost as low as mine were wheni started (i averaged about 220) trt
Thx. I've read through the topics. I will get an thyroid panel (TSH, free t4, free t3, S-TRAK (TSH receptor antibodies, translation??) Anti-TPO) Will these be enough?

I've some bloodtests that I found in your Basic TRT overview:

Hemoglobin 161g/l, EVF 0.50 I've been hovering around the high reference value most of the times, around 3-4 tests. Last test showed 146g/l, 0.44 EVF. So maybe it was an issue of dehydration? Reference Hemoglobin (110-160) EVF (0.38-0.45)

Prolactin,morningvalue: 371miU/L (60-400) can't remebmer the exact two other tests. One more was in the 700's, retaken during evening it was 160 (60-400miuL)
Both of the higher values were taken in the morning.

HBA1c 32mmol/mol (27-42mmol/mol)
P-Gluclose 5.3nmol/L, 7,2nmol/L (3.3-5.6)

P-HDL-Cholesterol 1.3nmol/L (0,80 - 2,1 mmol/L)
P-Cholesterol 3.5nmol/L (2,9 - 6,1 mmol/L)
LDL-Cholesterol 2.2nmol/L (1,2 - 4,3 mmol/L)
P-Triglycerides 0,5nmol/L (0,4 - 2,6 mmol/L)

S-Androstendion 2.0 nmol/L (1,2-5,0 nmol/L)
S-DHEAS 9.3umol/L (1,9-13 µmol/L)

P-Ferritin 191ug/L (27 - 365 µg/L)

Estradiol 19.5pg/ml (Not sensitive)

S-Vitamin D3 88nmol/L (> 75 nmol/L)

What tests do you suggest I take? Do you find any clues in the bloodwork? Also what are normal LH levels in a functioning brain?
Does my consistently low FSH 1.1-1.5miu/L (1.3-8miu/L) indicate secondary hypogonadism. I think it's weird cause my LH has always been around 4?

Thank you.
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