is it possible to make your own GH?


New member
Is it possible to make your own GH or IGF-1? I have made my own test and nandralone. But never heard of anyone doing GH. Is it possible, have you done it?
it comes ready to make. youy can buy the freeze dried powder in bulk but it only keeps so long after it is reconstituted.
What is the best brand of HGH to buy in terms of quality and shelf life?

I don't even know if there is a difference in the product manufactured by different companies...just thought I'd ask though.
I thought I once read that It wasnt a good idea to get it in bulk, I have no clue why though. Any thoughts? PB you ever get bulk gh or just kits.
it starts to deterior ate after reconstituting. some pacjkages say 14 days, some say 30 days but it does start loosing strenght pretty quickly even in the fridge from the reports i have read.
Re: gh powder

1HUGE1 said:
what's the name of the raw GH powder??

its freeze dried HGH. lolololol to be honest you dont save that much when buy in bulk powder. maybe .25 an iu. get the kits in bulk. 1000iu or more and you get it for around 2 bucks an iu. still expensive when you figure doing 5-10ius a day . and a 4 week cycle will not do anything. it takes 3+ week sto kick in. when i di it i go 60days straight at either 5 or 10ius a day in conjunction with at least test. they go together like peanut buter and jelly. gh kicks whatever you are doing with it up a notch. gh by itself wont do much either. it is some wonderful stuff but too pricey when you could spend the same money and get more results of other gear by the shear fact of the volume of drugs.
Not exactly a chem forum question but pb, have you ever run slin? You seem to have made/used everything in the book, wondering if you've tried it.
no slim or t3. dont like messinn with something can kill you because of one slip. i have seen folks with bad thyroids and it aint purdy. also the liver is a vital organ and I dont care to toy with that either. but hey that my choice and i dont push it on others.
Kane said:
I have heard of lots of experienced BB who only use 2IU's a day and get great results.

insulin has some anabolic properties but also cause the body to store fat. to me itsa not worth the risk but thats me. I know a lot of guys whonuse it to put on size but it aint real IMO.

i read an article one time that stated that ronnine coleman used 36ius of growth a day. and you know what? i believe it. lolololol gh can shut you insulin production down so thats why at high doses of gh some use slin. 5-10 iu/d aint a high dose of gh. to be honest tren messes with my sugar worse than any other hormone. on high doses of tren my sugar is all over the place.
hey all.

i've been using slin (humulog) for post cycle therapy (pct) post workout 10iu and will be adding mornings 10iu next week. This in conjunction with 40mcg igf-1 lr3 and rHGH 2iu /day. Best post cycle therapy (pct) ever, up 10 lbs, though water retention is high. I think that the risks of slin have been amped up bit. It all boils down to using the right amount of simple carbs w/ slin. just the right amount does the job, and will not increase BF. Also just make sure you don't consume any fat during duration of slin. I got lazy a few of times and I am paying for it.
Sorry, I just realized my post had nothing to do with the original question. PB is right, don't get the rHGH in bulk, just buy 4-15iu vials in bulk.

Question for PB:

How bad has your water retention been w/ rHGH?

I have tossed around the idea of using a potassium sparing diuretic. It would only be for cosmetic purposes, I just hate being bloated.
i have 0 water with gh. long ester test has a tendency to do so if i drop the Winstrol (winny) or ana. but that dont happen. occassioanlly if my BP starts to rise ill do some lasix for a couple of days t get it back down. some folks are more subsetible to water than others. i am one of those as i am to most sides if left unchecked. thank god that todays juicing includers anti e's and the knowledge of mixing hormones for a synergistic effect not used in the past.

2iu/d of gh is a waste IMO. thats a dose for a woman. but for post cycle therapy (pct) i dont know. ana and clo are the best i have found. bridging with 500mg/w test is effective too. course the best thing to do is not come off but cycle within the cycle with different hormones and dosages. very effective and sides are controlled easily. with price of powders today it is very affordable.

one question, how you likin that igf? i have not tried it but have heard and read good things about it. have you done it by itself?

one more comment. you are right about slin, thyroid hormones or any other hormone manufactoered by the body, it can be done safely if you follow strict guidelines. however most folks never do the research to know what the proper protocol is.

nice post my friend.
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I have not run IGF1 by itself.
IGF1 is the real deal as far as I am concerned. This is my best post cycle therapy (pct) ever, managing to keep weight and strength up, rather than watching it go down. I only have 5 days left of it before I go straight HGH and slin. I agree that 2iu is low for HGH. I should be more specific and state that that i was using HGH at 4iu, then dropped it to 2iu when I started IGF1. I will bump it back up to 4iu after the IGF1 is done.

I am really anxious to run the IGF1 during cycle. I am always tempted to stay on year round, but with igf1, slin, and HGH i think i can get the results i want as well as allow my body to recover regularly. One day though...:D
i always include test with gh. its like bread and butter. those two make you a man naturally so why not synthetically? =0)