Is it too soon to expect gains?


New member
I have been on my cycle for just over 3 weeks now.

I am currently doing:

300mg Black Label Test Enanthate (1ml)
400mg QV Equipoise (2ml)

...each week.

I split the doses up into bi-weekly shots, ie .5ml Enan + 1ml EQ on Sundays and Wednesdays.

I have not gained a pound since the onset. I have had meager strength gains, yet no sides.

I am 5'4", 160, 24yo. Just a few days ago, I was repping 100lb db's in each hand. I think I could probably have done this without the gear.

Now I have to think... Is my shit fake? Am I expecting results too soon?

I have a really good/thick muscular base to begin with. Are some people just not affected by the use of AAS? I didn't get anything off M1T, nor Nor-19-Androstenediol, nor creatine.

There are too many questions going through my mind. If anyone has any ideas or input please drop a line.

I work out 4-5 days a week and hit it hard. I have been training for 4-5 years now.

I'll stop now. Thanks...
I'm thinking of throwing in some d-bols (which I have previously decided against). What would be my benefit with this. Also what does d-bol do in regards to libido and other undesirable sides?
I dont begin gaining weight from TEST Enth (or Cyp) and EQ until week 3-4-5 or so. Be patient.

What about StoneColdNTO's question: How many calorie/day are you consuming above maintenance ??
I eat as often as I can. I have no idea on calorie intake, but it's been way over what I used to eat.

Before I would eat three meals a day. I would stay at the same weight I am at.

Now I eat 4-5 with snacks. I never eat junk food and avoid sodas. In actuality, I eat the healthiest out of all the people I know while still managing to gorge on meats and other proteins including my shakes. I eat tuna cans (no not the metal), chickens, tutkeys, fish, steaks, eggs, etc. Lots of breads for my carb energy... I don't understand. Even with a bad diet, I would think to have seen something by now. Am I wrong?

I would guesstimate I eat about 4000 calories each day.
Also lots of fruits because they taste good. Lots of juices too.

Yes, Drveejay11, this is my first.

I exclude my actual first because a year ago I took EQ 50 for 10 weeks. Yes 50mg of EQ once a week for 10. Obviously I was uneducated, taken under the wrong persons wing, and taken for a ripoff ride.
Yes, a slight libido change in that I will hit most anything now. Appetite has increased slightly, but that could be placebo.
I guess the libido change is a good sign that something's going on.

Black Label and QV (to my knowledge have NEVER been faked) so let's assume that your gear is legit (for now).

Have you gotten any extra aggression? Quicker-tempered? Hungrier? Sleeping problems? Lethargy? ANYTHING else to report?
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Drveejay11 said:
I guess the libido change is a good sign that something's going on.

Black Label and QV (to my knowledge have NEVER been faked) so let's assume that your gear is legit (for now).

Have you gotten any extra aggression? Quicker-tempered? Hungrier? Sleeping problems? Lethargy? ANYTHING else to report?

I've heard they were both reputedly always legit.

Blood pressure is a bit higher. Aggression-wise, I wouldn't say I am any more aggressive than before. I still know when not to act like an asshole, and I don't lash out at people.

Nothing really to report, that is what incited my initial concern.
Well....sounds like it's "taking effect". I hate to say this bro, may have to sit tight for another week or two. Be patient. As I said before, "I" also take longer than most to FEEL/SEE anything out of long esters (Test and EQ for example).

I do NOT suggest running the d-bol yet!! Just be patient.....hang in there for a few more weeks and we'll re-assess WHERE you are at that time.
You should be about to see some good gains. I was on the same cycle and it was between weeks 3-4 but you have to eat like crazy.
Same Here

I am doing about the same cycle, 400 test e, 500 eq, my first too.On week 4 of EQ, and 2 1/2 of test.Just recently have started getting results.I have been told about 5 weeks for EQ to kick in and any where from 1-3 weeks for the test.I would hang in there.

Well, I', just riding it out for now. Just started week 4 and I have gained 1 pound. Sounds silly, I know, but I have been on this crazy plateau.

My strength is going up, I do believe. I cranked out 15 pullups today just screwing around and could have done more but didn't because tomorrow is back day. I can see small differences, but let's just hope more significant changes occur soon...
when i started test i feel slightly euphoric just in a awesome mood all the time, nicer guy, i love it.... i really havent noticed alot in weight gain or size yet and im ending the 4th week... i have gained 10-15 and gotten stronger but most took palce in the first week or 2 with the diet.... now im at plateau so it should start setting in this week... and i think you'll be happy in a few more weeks hang in their bro djay knows what he's talking about... i think :D
i TELL YOU WHAT I am on 11th week made some good gains pleanty of water weight but man i had the same affect. I have such a good attitude, feel better, so much happier, much less aggressive! and more apt to be outgoing and friendly to people.