Is my tren fake?? blood results


New member
Hi all,

Without getting into too much detail i'll lay out all the facts. Currently in week 7 of a lean bulk cycle ( 400mg Tren E + 250mg Test E per week + 250ius HCG x2 weekly)

3J is my diet coach on this cycle hitting around 3500 cals per day.

When i first started the cycle within a week i had really bad flu/ chest infection symptons with headaches everyday, they subsided after around week 2 and since then ive had no "Tren sides", no night sweats, no insomnia however my strength has shot up AND my anger has increased too.

As for weight gain, ive gained maybe 2-3kg ( cant remember exact figures as i have them stored on my personal pc) and even 3J has commented that i should be seeing more results by now.

This is my 4th cycle ( used tren in the past but only small doses). This time round i dont feel like im on juice if you get what i mean....

My conclusion is could the tren be fake? so i had a blood test last week and the results are, as follows:

Testosterone: more than 52Nmol/litre (nominal range is 10-35 and the test is capped at a max of 52 so i could be at 53 or 153)
Estrogen: 361 pmol/litre (nominal range is 0-156)
FSH: less than 1 iu/litre ( nominal range is 1.4-12.4)
pro lactin: 251 mu/litre (nominal range is 86-324)
Luteinizing hormone: less than 0.5 (nominal range is 1.7-8.6)
creatanine levels slightly elevated
liver function normal.

The tren im using is Rohm labs (pics to follow) and ive been told that the particular vials im using ( blue cap, grey stopper and hologram) are knock offs. I feel like at the moment this whole cycle is a waste as im only running a low test dosage and im not seeing tren results at this high dose.

any ideas guys?
I am no expert by all means but every time I ran tren, my liver values went up. And I always used liver care. But I will let someone else chime in....Also, you need some AI since your estrogen is high.
I've heard of tren showing up as estradiol sometimes; depending on the lab

Speaking of that, however, as transporter mentioned...what are you using for an AI? It looks bunk or you're dosing it wrong.

Are you using a dopamine agonist?

Finally, 400mg of tren E is a pretty low dose. You didn't list your stats but if you're over 200lbs, and have run it before, I wouldn't expect that to do much of anything.
I used nolva at 20mg a day for weeks 2 and 3 as my nipple had a funny shape but then it settled down and i stopped it. Im 192lbs and ive ran tren before but at a very mild dose to a higher dose of test.

i tried getting hold of dostinex but i live in rhe uk and the only was is through prescription as literally no1 knew what it was lol

my prolactin levels are within range so i don't think I'll be needing it will i?
I used nolva at 20mg a day for weeks 2 and 3 as my nipple had a funny shape but then it settled down and i stopped it. Im 192lbs and ive ran tren before but at a very mild dose to a higher dose of test.

i tried getting hold of dostinex but i live in rhe uk and the only was is through prescription as literally no1 knew what it was lol

my prolactin levels are within range so i don't think I'll be needing it will i?

Nolva is a SERM, not an AI.

If you don't keep estradiol down you very likely could end up with Prolactin problems. Try getting prami instead of Caber. RUI has prami. You can get an AI from RUI too.

I don't know a direct way to tell if Tren is real or not via blood work when it is used together with testosterone.
That was one of my fears not knowing how to tell if its real or not. Research says according to my vials its fake but im showing some symptoms of tren like a massive strength boost ( as i imagine that 250mg of test couldn't have given me that much of an increase) is RUI a reliable source for shipping to the uk?
At 400mg per week, there should be no douBt about legitimacy of tren

My vote is bunk