Is the hard work paying off?


New member
Been hittin the weights for over a year. Slimmed down from 238 to 185.
6'2, I am trying to get bigger. and lose the spare tire around the middle. Only have the 4 pack going. If any one has any suggestions on how to get the chest bigger and get rid of the tire let me know. Here are the pics

i think you look fine. if your chest gets any bigger it will throw off you physique imo. how are your wheels? just look in the training forum. youll find what you need.
you must of worked your ass of too lose that much weight. yes your hard work is definately paying off. keep up the good work bro.
Thanks Phatboy. Wheels need some work but they are gettingthere. Was all diet. I lost all the weight in about 3 months all due to diet. I really didn't do much cardio. More of a life style change. Thanks again for the reply
I agree that your chest is in proportion with the rest of what I can see. You want it bigger, get bigger all together. Looking good to this point bro keep up the good work.
Looking good man.

To answer the question, YES, your hard work IS or shall I say HAS paid off.

Your chest is fine. As you get bigger your chest willl grow with the rest of your body. Keep hitting the same exercises, as your chest seems to be responding well.
Thanks to everyone for there responses. As far as my diet goes. I cut out sugar and bad carbs. I went with all good carbs like brown rice, whole or stone ground wheat bread. Lots of protien from chicken lean meat and turkey. I eat 5 -6 times per day. And around the same time everyday. I think for me the sugar was the key. I also try and stay low on the sodium.

Typical day
Breakfast - 5 egg whites with lowfat cheese and peice of whole wheat toast
non fat yogurt low in sugar with some strawberries that I cut up and put in there
2 peices of chicken with some Brown rice with low sodium soy sauce
Peanuts in there shell
Grilled london broil with onions and peppers and cous cous.

That is a pretty typical day for me. I lost the most of my wieght in the first 4 months. over 30 pounds in that time. Let me know if you have any other questions