Most guys do not experience eye issues when using Clonmid + Nolva for PCT.
Not experience now but what about in future? I don't want to take risk.
Then don't use AAS. Then you won't require PCT.
Yes, thats what I thought. Can you help me for AI monotherapy?
450 TT plus 45-47 E2 = No libido. I want to give a try but I'm scared of crashing estradiol. I'm thinking 0.25 mg Arimidex ED. Will it harsh on my lipids?
Need more background. Age? Height? Weight? Body fat % and method of determination? Medical history? Medications? Do you exercise? And so on.
6 ft
165 lbs
22 y/o
%11-12 bf
No meds.
0.25 mg Arimidex ED is enough? But I'm scared of crashing E2.
What time if the day was your blood drawn for your labs?
What was LH and FSH at?
Vitamin D levels?
How many hours of sleep over day?
Method of determining your body fat %?
Do you exercise? If so, what do you do and how often?
When did you start/complete puberty? Any issues with puberty?
Please stop answering only some of the questions.
9 AM
LH 3.5
FSH 3.2
I don't know my vitamin D levels but I take vitamin D3.
10 hours
Body fat is not the issue, believe me.
3 times a week
Probably at 19 y/o.
Do you exercise? If so, what do you do and how often?
When did you start/complete puberty? Any issues with puberty?
Let's focus and try to answer everything . Make it much easier for everyone.
You could give AI-Monotherapy a try. Obviously talk to your doctor about it. I would recommend seeing one just to make sure everything is ok (i.e. no varicocele , pituitary issues, etc). Make sure you aren't eating Taco Bell every day and have a good diet. Go to the gym and lift weights (heavy). Play a sport like soccer, hockey, etc. All the things to have a healthy lifestyle.
For AI-Monotherapy, you will want to run 1mg of Anastrozole per day. Give it a month and recheck your blood work. This will not crash you E2 levels as you HPTA feedback loop is working. This will result in higher testosterone. See the attached study.
Effects of aromatase inhibition in elderly men with low or borderline-low serum testosterone levels. - PubMed - NCBI
Should I takr something for lipids? I will take NAC for liver.
Do you have a cholesterol problem? You didnt bring it up when I asked for your medical history in post #7.
No but i have a question for you. I think i have weak cardiovascular system because I cant run for long and i've heard people with weak CV system tend to have high estradiol. what do you think?