Is this a bad diet?


New member
This is the diet that I've been following for the past few days:

5 plain eggs
3 pieces of plain whole wheat bread
1 apple

2 servings of plain oatmeal (100 cals per serving)
5 plain eggs

1 serving of whey protein mixed with water
2 pieces of plain whole wheat bread

5 plain eggs
3 pieces of plain whole wheat bread
1 banana

My goals are to lose a few extra pounds.
are you vegetarian??

there´s nothing really wrong about eating bread but I would be bored eating it in 75% of my meals.
maybe for dinner you could cut out carbs that usually helps me alot when cutting.

also healthy fats like oils should be in your diet.
Too many eggs. Sub out some of those egg servings for fish, chicken, or lean red meat.
if that's 15 whole eggs...cut that out. if it's 15 egg whites, ok, solid protein source.
Whats your stats we cant really make a real diagnosis without one.

But by look sof it I say you might wanna get some meat and veg in there somewhere.
10 of those eggs are whole and the other 5 are just egg whites.

My stats:

I lift lots of weights and already have a strong visible 4 pack. I'm trying to lose the little extra BF on my bottom abs.
Im nt sure about about the exact protein count of an egg but that doesn´t really add up to a lot of protein.

I would definetly take rice instead of bread at one meal. eat some fish or meat.
add olive oil or other healthy oil.
veggies and protein for dinner.
Theres about 6grams of protein in a whole egg.
So He's probs getting about 85grams from eggs (EXCLUDING THE YOLK FROM 5).
And about 20g from his whey shake... not taking the protein in bread and oats into account 105g is not that much at all!!

You wanna be taking 1 - 1.5g per pound of body weight at bare minimum your not even covering that.

Is there a reason for not eating meats, do you have a cash flow problem or summit?
6' 185 with a 4pack means he doesn't have a lot of muscle mass, so 100 grams of prot should be enough to maintain. But forget about making any gains with that. Plus that diet really isn't very healthy. Gotta remember there's more to food then fat, carbs, and protien. I.E. Beef has creatine, Fish has Omega 3's etc.

Though I do remember a while back reading an article somewhere about a guy from some eastern european country who's dad worked at an egg farm (or something like that) so he basically got huge of of 2-3 dozen eggs a day.
I was just trying to keep my diet simple so it would be easier to follow. Thats why I have so many egg and bread servings.
The problem with simple is it gets boring REAL quick and sooner or later you'll find yourself slipping and cheating.

You wanna come up with a diet that you can live off and when you wanna add / lose weight you just need small ajustments, not just somthing thats gonna achieve a goal then 'Oh Ive dropped weight now what... I'll go back to my old habits' you have to be realistic.

You can have eggs but try keep them to one meal 'variaty is the spice of life'.