Is this a common side effect?


New member
Please dont flame this thread - this is a very serious and personal topic. :/

I just started taking Dieselbolan v2.0 (off two days ago. Now I am starting to ejaculate when I urinate sometimes.

Is this a common side effect? Im fairly certain it has to do with an increase in test level.
I read online that maybe I just need to go masturbate or sex?

I have experienced this before when I was using a natty test booster a while back called p6 (from gnc) and shortly after i started using that I started ejaculating while urinating. Then it started to burn when I pissed.

I went to the doctor they gave me a shot for a STI (the clap which with antibiotics u can get rid of) and they gave me something for a Urinary Tract Infection.

They said they would call me if it was the clap, but they never called and so i dont think it was the clap back then.
Afterwards I could take p6 moderately just fine.

But im not currently sexually active so its not an STI.

If someone can please shed some light thanks?

P.s. just to see how it changes things im going to cut the amount im taking in half.
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so are you like orgasming too? or just nut comes out in your urine?

I had surgery and had to wear a catheter for 2 weeks. They left it in to long and i got an infection. I told my DOC that it burned when i pissed, and it was cloudy. He told me I had an STD. I said unless me girl is cheating on me its not possible.. he swabbed my dick, shoved me out the door with antibiotic.
went back next week, piss was clear again, and i DIDN't have an STD. I KNEW IT :)

anyways maybe its just an infection.
This is an interesting ordeal...I have A:never heard of this happening to someone, due to any reason and B:need more clarification....

In order to ejaculate usually it will come with the pulsing and orgasm to release your man gravy. As with pre-cum this is not always the case....

But I have never heard of a ph/ds/ass ever causing sperm filled urine...

As for desielbolan its not going to raise your test, it is going to suppress it. You do understand this and have a PCT as well, correct?

Now it sounds like your dealing with a Urinary Tract Infection. You can get one even without being sexually active.

So is there the "feeling" of ejaculating, or just white stuff in your urine? And because you said it burns, I am leaning towards infection.
lol no feeling when the man grave comes out.
Im fairly certain its cause of a Urinary Tract infection cause when i start taking supps and such i drink a shit ton of water.
Get that treated. If you dont the infection can travel, causing some serious issues man.

I would also be concerned on why you have this reoccurring infection.
yea i havent had it happen since then. will keep an eye on it. for now if it is linked to the dieselbolan i will just lower the dose by half and keep a close eye
For middle aged men this is not abnormal, to have semen in your urine. It just happens occasionaly.
Keep us posted on this plz.