Is this a good bulking stack/cycle? Will this cause gyno or estrogen problems?


New member
1. M-LMG Lean Mass Gains and Muscle Hardening

2. E-Stane for Strength and Lean Gains

3. Cycle Assist for on cycle liver support

4. post cycle therapy (pct) Assist for the proper post cycle

I have tons of questions about this cycle. For one.... Do i take all of them at the same time? If not when do i take them. Will I have estrogen problems? Will I get gyno? If so how can i take this and prevent gyno? How much dosage of each should i take. How long should i take this cycle? Basically anything important that I should know. My goal is to bulk.
1. M-LMG Lean Mass Gains and Muscle Hardening

2. E-Stane for Strength and Lean Gains

3. Cycle Assist for on cycle liver support

4. post cycle therapy (pct) Assist for the proper post cycle

I have tons of questions about this cycle. For one.... Do i take all of them at the same time? If not when do i take them. Will I have estrogen problems? Will I get gyno? If so how can i take this and prevent gyno? How much dosage of each should i take. How long should i take this cycle? Basically anything important that I should know. My goal is to bulk.
You need to do alot more research before running this cycle. Your cycle should be layed out completely from beginning to end and all PCT/support should be onhand prior to starting. You take the cycle assist a few hours after taking the PH. The PH should be taken with fish oil/multi for maximum absorption.......You may run into GYno issues, have Nolva onhand to take at a low dose to stop it. Proper PCT will consist of a SERM (Clomid/Torem) along with a natty test booster to get your stuff going again.......keep and Aromatase inhibitor (AI) like Erase, AD-3 PCT, or E-control to add to your PCT a few weeks in.
U need to read man. Lots of it.

This stuff should not be taken lightly, if u don't understand something search it til u do
Actually those are designer supplements, no conversion needed so the fish oil isn't needed. Better off taking on a empty stomach unless it upsets your stomach then I'd take it with protien powder mixed with water. I wouldn't mix a cutter like epi with a bulker like lmg though. If you want more mass gains but want lean gains then just add pmag, it bulks very lean and will add some mass with the super strength gains from the lmg. That is a very popular stack.
And at bare minimum you want some clomid to get them 2 boys down below making pancakes again. Otherwise you wond will be a wet spaghetti noodle. And that's just not that cool.