Is this a good meal?


I am banned!
give honest feedback because i dont know shit about dieting and eating well.
anyways what do you guys think of this lunch? i ate it right after a 2 and a half hour gym session, please excuse the slightly burnt meat i suck horribly at cooking its 3 cut peices of steak and 1 piece of chicken:

and yes i take a couple scoops of peanut butter after the meal
Commrad, Man, that looks like hell. Loaded with fat and no fiber. I would cut the meat in half and replace by a pile of dark green vegetables. Raw or steamed.

If you think you need PB lose the skippy and go with the kind that the oil separates. Natural PB.

Or, if you are just looking for fat get some fish or krill oil. I like the liquid stuff. Not as many burps.

Alot of it depends on what your goals are. If just to gain weight and dont give a shit about blood lipids profile colon health or vascular integrity I guess it doesn't matter.

If goals are to gain lean muscle and be somewhat healthy you need some fresh stuff. Better balance.
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How old are you? The last time I was in the guy for 2.5 hours I was 17 or so. Yea it can be fun and feels good but to long to really maximize muscle growth. Try to keep it 1.5 hrs or less. If you have the time for more and just cant stay away, split it up with a morning session and evening session.

If you are lifting hard you absoultely will over train at 2.5 hours a day. Eventually. I did, again that was 15 years ago or so, but you will no the signs. Trouble sleeping, not growing, always sore. Just a thought.
How old are you? The last time I was in the guy for 2.5 hours I was 17 or so. Yea it can be fun and feels good but to long to really maximize muscle growth. Try to keep it 1.5 hrs or less. If you have the time for more and just cant stay away, split it up with a morning session and evening session.

If you are lifting hard you absoultely will over train at 2.5 hours a day. Eventually. I did, again that was 15 years ago or so, but you will no the signs. Trouble sleeping, not growing, always sore. Just a thought.
and the reason i spend so much time in Gym is cause i work out 2 body parts a day instead of just one. and thx for the feedback i appreciate it.

im trying to loose fat and get bulk(if that maes sense) as my goal. trying to pound protein but i guess i need more balance

and you said skip the it bad, it says it has 7g protien
i cant even tell what everything on that plate is.. u might wanna list it out
whats almond butter taste like?

Pretty damn good to me. Its obviouslty not as sweet as skippy but its basically almonds ground up. Usually a little more coarse than a standard smooth peanut butter and it separates real easy so it needs to be stirred often. Its very oily.

As djm said its great in shakes, its part of my casein shake nightly