Is this bad


New member
Is it bad if while trying to fil a needle you push air into the bottle of the steriods first before sucking it up and then the needle doesn't suck up the steriod anymore and when u use another needle to try it doesn't work either because there is too much air in the bottle of the there a way to get the air out the the bottle without wasting any of the substance..get back to me...
What? If you pushed air into the bottle, it should be easier to ge tthe juice out. If you want to equlize the pressure in the bottle with the atmosphere, do this. Take the needle part off of your pin. Put the bottle down on a level surface, there should be a section of air in the bottle (liquid not all the way up to the top). Push the needle in the top so the sharp side just pokes through the other side, but doesnt go into the liquid. You will here the air pressure equlize. Rule of thumb for me... If i am pulling out 1cc, push one cc of air into the bottle first.
is it bad if when we stuck the needle into the juice the pressure inside the bottle pushed the top of the needle up at first and when we tried to equalize the pressure and stuck the needle back in and tried to suck some up the pressure sucked the top of the needle right back down into the bottle..does that mean we screwed up and the juice is no longer useable?
the juice is usable. it sound like their isnt much pressure in the bottle. You just need to equiled it, like i said. Or do this....
Get a new pin you are gonna shoot with. Pull the pin back to 3cc, filled with air. put it in the bottle, and push the air into the bottle. Now try and draw the shit up.
Air in the bottle doesnt mean anything bro...i always inject air into the bottle before i pull from should make it a lot easier so i dont know what you are having problems with!!