Is this diet going to work


New member
As for the questions you said I could ask well here it goes..

Here is the diet I planned during my first cycle that I have put off hopefully to now start after Aug 8th. I have read a lot of the suggested material ove rthe course of the past night and morning Anyway, let's start with a diet for me, i work for an Indy wrestling company that's had all the wwe guys in and from being around wrestlers since I was 15 I came up with this... for a diet...

8 Am: 3 Whole eggs, 4 egg Whites, 2 packs cream of wheat, 24 oz

10:30: (after workout) Metrex Packet, 1 bannana, 24 oz water

12:00: 2 cans salmon, mixed green salad, 1 piece wheat bread, 24 oz water

3:00: 8 oz chicken breast, 1 cup spinach, half small sweet potatoe, 24 oz water

6:00 two cans tuna, mixed green salad 24 oz water

9:00 two scoops protein powder

I was also planning on using glutamine with both the metrx and the shake at night. And ZMA before bed time.

How does this sound, is this the proper eating I should be doing now for the now month and a half b4 I start my cycle? As said before I am 5'8" 180 and 21 years old.

Any suggestions