Is this right, guys? High low testosterone


New member
Some ppl say 1500 ng/dl isnt good for them. They feel better at 1000 ng/dl.

My question is is anybody here on trt and tried which dose best for them?

50 mg test twice a week, 50 test e4d, 50 test e3d........ ?
I hear that from people sometimes and I really have to wonder if they are either full of shit or just don't know how to dose their AI. I am okay at 800, and feel awesome at 5000+.

I guess there is only 1 way to find out.
if your on TRT for life, being on the high end may come with longer term risk factors. I feel great at 1500+ but, long term your gonna possibly have RBC and blood thickening issues, cardiovascular issues, prostate issues, etc.. docs generally, from what I know, prefer mid range levels (600 or so). also, I've read that guys who have high levels of testosterone live on average 6 years LESS then guys with testosterone levels on the lower end of the scale. point being, having consistently high levels of test for the long haul may not be healthy, even though it feels great in the short term.
What about 10000?

once you get into the supra-physiological ranges of testosterone, there is a point of diminishing returns.. your not gonna get much positive benefits or much of a difference from 3000 ngdl to 5000 ngdl.. your just wasting gear and taking unnecessary risks once you get over the edge of appropriate ranges.
What about 10000?

Even more awesome. That is probably mine 15 years ago when i measured my test dose in grams not mg. 2 grams test ew sound right. Through in a gram of deca ew and 100mg dbol ed.

Im not going to recomend it. I got huge though.
I got my total testosterone over 10,000ng/dl before.The test stopped at 10,000ng/dl lol. My free test was 3547.6ph/ml. Then I got a shit load of acne and my pct was horrible. Now I am a firm believer in more is not always better.