Is this to much Cal for my diet. help


New member
hey im 24, bf 16% and on my 4th cycle - Test e Tren e cycle.

I need to know if this is to much calories, or if this diet is more on the lean or bulking side?

7am- 100% whey Protein shake, oats and banana. also multi vitamin

8.30am - 8 egg whites and 1 cup of brown rice

11.30 - 200g boiled chicken, vegs and 1 cup of brown rice

12.30 - workout

1.30 - 100% whey Protein shake

2.30 - 200g boiled chicken, vegs and 1 cup of brown rice

5.30 - 200g boiled chicken, vegs and 1 cup of brown rice

8.30 - 200g boiled chicken, vegs and 1 cup of brown rice

10.00 - Casein Protein

i also have another 2 bananas through out the day and about 70 almonds.
I know one thing for sure, you will get tired of eating the same food a couple times a day.
Good luck bro with your cycle
honestly doesn't bother me.. like im happy to do that diet.. i just need to know if this is to much cal? or if its gonna lean or bulk?
No way of telling if it's too little, enough, or too many cals without knowing your weight, height, activity level, and your goal (cut or bulk).

I'm the same as you, by the way. I can eat the same thing over and over again and not get tired of it.
height - 6ft
weight - 198lbs

my goal is to bulk up as much until week 9 of my cycle.. then im going to run Anavar - oxandrolone for 3 weeks. (12 week cycle)

im thinking to stop the brown rice on week 9 aswell.. would this work?