Issues with first Test E cycle.. Any help appreciated


New member
Hi guys,

I started my first ever Test E cycle last week. Since then I've been in agony, barely able to walk/move/sit. At first I thought it was just PIP, but it doesn't seem to be getting any better. My lower back and across the top of my glutes are swollen, red, and extremely sore to the touch. Last night I had a fever and I was getting cold and hot flushes so I headed into the Hospital. I told them that I sat on a sharp piece of wire and they told me that my back looked infected and they've given me some antibiotics (Staphylex 500, if anyone is interested)

Last night was my 5th pin. The gear is GP Test E (250mg/ml)
Injecting .8ml (200mg) every second day. (Started with 300mg twice a week, but decided to inject a smaller amount more often to see if that helped with PIP)
I've been drawing with 19g syringe, then switching to and injecting with 23g 1.5" needle in the glute. Ensuring to swab the vial and keep everything sterile. I'm also taking Arimidex at .25mg ED.

I spoke with the supplier and they said that GP gear is high quality and there's basically no chance it could be related to the BA.
As it stands, I can barely walk or bend which makes working out incredibly difficult and painful.

So, I have a couple of questions.

1. Should I continue pinning through PIP and inject into already sore muscle?
2. Should I continue working out when sore?
3. Would I be better off injecting more twice a week or more every second day?
Stop pinning that shit!! If I got an infection from pinning gear i would stop using that gear especially if your pinning techniques are sterile
genza pharmaceutical? I think. I don't think I would do it again. iits one thing to have pip it's another to get infection.

gp used to have good orals, but I never heard good about injectable, personally I liked there orals. but never used there injectable
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I've never done it but you could heat it and refilter it, but I would just get new gear. I had issues like that from test p yrs ago, gave it to my bud and he had no issue with it..... who knows
You could have unsterilized gear and test flu. Being that this is your first cycle it may also be pain from "virgin muscle" . I like to rotate injection sites between my quads, glutes, and delts so that i dont have to inject into a sore muscle. You should be fine injecting twice a week. This would also help with your rotation scheduling because of the bilateral injections. Ex. Week 1 glutes, Week 2 quads, Week 3 delts so that your hitting fresh muscles.
I'm sorry but if I had to go to the doctor after injecting some gear and they said I had an infection in the site and my techniques were sterile, Id throw that shit in the trash. Virgin muscle and infections are easily identified, especially when a doctor says its an infection. I'm goin with unsterile gear.
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I'm trying to get the supplier to re ship for free. This stuff isn't easily obtainable where I live. Would you suggest scrapping the cycle and starting again when I get some new gear? If I was to stop the cycle 5 shots in, would Nolvadex be necessary?
Several things that come to mind.
1.Dirty Gear
2.Unsterilized Gear
3.Unsterilized injection area

Think about this, 20% of all healthy people and 60% of others carry Staph on their body. The staph lives for 24 hours and is easily transported through gyms every day!
Staph is a bacteria and found on your skin. Sometimes it does not cause any problems; sometimes it causes minor infections, such as pimples or boils. Staph skin infections often begin with an injury to the skin. Staph enters the skin weakened by the injury and develops into an infection. This can be either caused by a cut or by your pin. Symptoms of a Staph infection can be redness, warmth, swelling, tenderness of the skin, and boils or blisters. One it starts the infection it will put you down!!!

Staph/MRSA lives on the skin and survives on objects for 24 hours or more this is why gym cleaniness is very important and even more for you to sterilize yourself post gym visit. The cleanest person can get a Staph infection, its not just for the stereotyped homeless guy. Staph can rub off the skin of an infected person onto the skin of another person during prolonged (skin to skin) contact between them. Or, the Staph can come off of the infected skin of a person, or onto commonly shared object or surface, and get onto the skin of the person who uses it next. Examples of commonly shared objects include personal hygiene objects (i.e. towels, soap, clothes), benches in saunas or hot tubs, dumbells, presses, quad machines, ham machines, and other athletic equipment -- in other words, anything that could have touched the skin of a Staph infected person can carry the bacteria to the skin of another person. Just think about your pin area and how it comes in contact with the padding of other equipment and the athletes before you.

I don't know how you prepped, only you do. But if this has caused you this much pain in addition to dr bills, I would find new gear, double check my gear sterilization, and start sterilizing your pin site with 10% povodone iodine. Besides the iodine watches off, that next infection won't.

Been there, got the scar. Just my 2!
That's not virgin muscle pip. As others have said. Rotate your sites. Glute pin size is good. And use a 1" 25ga pin for other areas. You dont want to build up scare tissue. As far as the infection goes. If you truly cleaned the vial and the site and washed your hands good. And didn't touch the needle to anything before injection. Trash it amd cut your losses. Do not gamble with infection.