It's a start. Advice please!


Caucasion Style Dance Ins
5'7'' @ 183lbs 28yo

Really focused and committed state of mind now. Have a good diet plan so I'm hoping to shed some this BF with a quickness!!

Here's a few shots. All thoughts and opinions welcome. I'll post more in 3 months.
your really going to have to have a strict diet and hit the cardio hard. You look like you have good size to me, but at the same time you have a decent amount of fat covering your muscle.

Just keep at it and you'll start getting the results you want. Good Luck.
Yeah, as the above poster said, cardio is a must to get rid of fat. You should try HIIT training for that.

Go on the treadmill and put it to max incline and to just set up your limit, start at 5 and adjust. Make sure it's a good speed that'll make you pretty tired running it for 8 reps.

Jump on the treadmill for 20 seconds, then off for 10. Repeat this 8 times. You'll burn many more calories and fat doing this than you would in regular cardio, and you'll achieve your goals faster.

Also, you should work on intensifying that back. You have pretty nice lats forming, but not enough definition. Try doing this:

Pull ups:

start at 2 reps
then 4 reps
then 6 reps

... basically keep going up by 2's until failure, once you hit failure, go back to 2, and repeat. Your back will be defined in no time.

Other than that, your traps are starting to look good, and as i said, your lats are getting wide. Keep up the good work.
hard work and dedication brother the key to a monster within....go get it...
hopefully its not as bad as the photoshop face he put on
Lol, I rule at photoshop!

Diet is as follows:

4 eggs
some fruit - pineapple and some peaches or pears
bowl of Frosted flakes with skim milk
200mg of B complex
1 multi vitamin

Pre workout:
Protein shake - 50g
200mg B complex
1500mg vitamin C

Post workout:
Protein shake - 50g
1500mg vitamin C

2 chicken or turkey cutlets
1 cup of rice
1 cup of green beans
1 multi vitamin
900mg omega 3 - fish oil

Mid day/eveing:
Protein shake - 50g

Cardio 4-5 days a week - running outside for 20-45mins at a pretty good pace

2 chicken or turkey cutlets
1 cup of rice
1 cup of green beans
1 multi vitamin
200mg B complex

What do you guys think about this? And thanks for all the input fellas!
4 eggs? I believe that i read somewhere that the max amount of eggs you should be having is 3 a day, because of the high cholesterol involved. Also, you should consider changing the frosted flakes for oatmeal. Sure, frosted flakes kick ass, but unfortunately, they're frosted ;)