Its good to learn - first cycle


New member
Hey Guys i am now 4 weeks in my first ever cycle, i am a 32 years old my cycle looks like this :

HGH - 4IU 5 Days a week for 2 months

Primobolan - 1 ML for 6 days a week (10 weeks Period) (Now i dont know what you make of ML in America as i live in the UK )

Winni - 1 ML every other day 3 times a week only (I have 50 ML bottle so my guess will last me around 10 weeks)

Now 4 weeks into this cycle i got to be from 80 kg to 85 Kg my body looks Muscular everything looks good i mean not huge gains but good looking muscular looks. My only problem is i basically have a good body look but a little pot or beer belly that will not go away.

My work out is like this :

10 Minutes Cardio before workout and 10 Minutes cardio after work out (I do Hit Cardio)

Monday : Chest

Tuesday : Arms

Wedensday: Rest

Thursday: Back

Friday : Shoulders

Saturday: Legs + Abs

Sunday : Rest

Any ideas how to melt this belly i know alot will say diet diet diet, ok i get it. but i dont want to lose the muscules right now i want to do the cutting cycle the last 5 weeks of my cycle

Do you think after using Winni - I should go for Anavar, i heard great stories about burning stomach fat ? Or this is a bad idea since i made this cycle with Winni no good to go for Anavar will be tough on the liver ?

Do you think i should add in another month of HGH ?

Your ideas about a good cutting cycle ?

Your thoughts are much appreciated without the Bitching looool
Okay first, let's sloooooow down! What is your height, and how long have you been training with weights?

Now: the cycle. You need a base of testosterone to keep you functioning as a man, chemically. This applies to ANY cycle. Also, are you dosing primo 1ml every 6 days? If so, that is nowhere near enough. I'd recommend dropping the Winstrol (winny) as well. It will do very little for you since you aren't of low body fat, plus it will wreck your joints (and injectable Winstrol (winny) can be less than pleasant) anyways, and isn't very useful unless you're planning on drying out for a bodybuilding competition.

What brand is your HGH? That is a decent dosage, so long as it's one of a few brands known to be legit.

So in summary, you need to add testosterone to this cycle, you need to drop the Winstrol (winny), and you will need to up the primo dosage and extend the period of time taking it.

Fat is lost in the kitchen brother, not what people want to hear, but it's the truth. What is your diet like? Post an average day.
Okay first, let's sloooooow down! What is your height, and how long have you been training with weights?

Now: the cycle. You need a base of testosterone to keep you functioning as a man, chemically. This applies to ANY cycle. Also, are you dosing primo 1ml every 6 days? If so, that is nowhere near enough. I'd recommend dropping the Winstrol (winny) as well. It will do very little for you since you aren't of low body fat, plus it will wreck your joints (and injectable Winstrol (winny) can be less than pleasant) anyways, and isn't very useful unless you're planning on drying out for a bodybuilding competition.

What brand is your HGH? That is a decent dosage, so long as it's one of a few brands known to be legit.

So in summary, you need to add testosterone to this cycle, you need to drop the Winstrol (winny), and you will need to up the primo dosage and extend the period of time taking it.

Fat is lost in the kitchen brother, not what people want to hear, but it's the truth. What is your diet like? Post an average day.
hurt is on the money with everything he has said
In reply

Hey Guys Thanks for your answer

After 6 weeks i started having wrist hand pain and when waking up my hands are swollen and i cant move my fingers, i believe it is from the HGH and i ve read somewhere that its (Carpel Tunnel Syndrome) and i have dry joints basically.

So i decided to quite the HGH and Winnie and Stick with PRIMO only until my two bottles have finished

Now my question is well the joint pain go away ? is it reversible after quitting the HGH ?

What to use for PCT after all this i really dont want to go on anymore i am getting mood swings from the HGH and loss of sexual appetite ? i want to get back to normal levels i know that HGH lowers the testosterone in you is there a way to get back to normal levels after quitting ?

Thank you all for your replies...
You're always going to have problems if:
1) You're not prepared physically (training & diet wise) or mentally (educated on it all) to run gear
2) You're not running the right shit (ie: need test)
3) Just dropping shit out of your regiment cold turkey

Dude - take a pro tip from the Vets here - don't just read what you want to read. This is serious business and you can fuck your shit up for life if you don't know what you are doing bro.

Much luck...
VERY bad cycle not sure where to start.
here is a few:
1ml here is the same as 1ml there. and on the bottle it tells you how much is in 1ml primo is usually 100mg/ml so if your using 100mg every week for 10 weeks thats one of the biggest wastes of primo I have seen...

you need to stop eveythign and od a few months of researchign and then do this right.
also inject or oral Winstrol (winny) is still liver toxic and one of thw WORST for blood and joints and normally peopel only use it doe 3-6weeks not 10weeks.

I wish you the best.
but from what I see you jumped into this fast and are gonna end up hurting yourself
I wish you the best!
Hey Guys Thanks for your answer

After 6 weeks i started having wrist hand pain and when waking up my hands are swollen and i cant move my fingers, i believe it is from the HGH and i ve read somewhere that its (Carpel Tunnel Syndrome) and i have dry joints basically.

So i decided to quite the HGH and Winnie and Stick with PRIMO only until my two bottles have finished

Now my question is well the joint pain go away ? is it reversible after quitting the HGH ?

What to use for PCT after all this i really dont want to go on anymore i am getting mood swings from the HGH and loss of sexual appetite ? i want to get back to normal levels i know that HGH lowers the testosterone in you is there a way to get back to normal levels after quitting ?

Thank you all for your replies...

mood swings are not from HGH its probibbly from the fact YOU DONt HAVE TEST in your cycle and your body has already shut down its own production (thats why we say add test to cover what your gonna lose whiel on cycle)

I rec you pick up a bottle of Clomi from here: Clomi 70mL 35mg/mL

And stop everything and run a PCT!

take a few months of research here (even PM me if you want) and THAN try again with a HEALTHY and MORE useful cycle.
What a disaster, 2 months of hgh is pointless. 1ml EW of primo is a waste. Winstrol (winny) is a waste.

This will literally have no positive effects at all.
mood swings are not from HGH its probibbly from the fact YOU DONt HAVE TEST in your cycle and your body has already shut down its own production (thats why we say add test to cover what your gonna lose whiel on cycle)

I rec you pick up a bottle of Clomi from here: Clomi 70mL 35mg/mL

And stop everything and run a PCT!

take a few months of research here (even PM me if you want) and THAN try again with a HEALTHY and MORE useful cycle.

Thank you for the reply and help, i appreciate it, i dropped the HGH all of it, and i dropped the winstrol too, i have a bottle of Primo left and i am going to finish it which is around 10 days left in it, i really see nice lean muscle gains my hands are a bit swollen in the morning only now not like before still little wrist pain, so you are suggesting i run post cycle therapy (pct), can you please let me know what PCT product i should take everyone is talking about Clomid for production ? what else i should take something for liver cleansing ?

Appreciate your help alot... By the way this was the first and last cycle ever, i am not the right guy for this kind of bullshit
Thank you for the reply and help, i appreciate it, i dropped the HGH all of it, and i dropped the winstrol too, i have a bottle of Primo left and i am going to finish it which is around 10 days left in it, i really see nice lean muscle gains my hands are a bit swollen in the morning only now not like before still little wrist pain, so you are suggesting i run post cycle therapy (pct), can you please let me know what post cycle therapy (pct) product i should take everyone is talking about Clomid for production ? what else i should take something for liver cleansing ?

Appreciate your help alot... By the way this was the first and last cycle ever, i am not the right guy for this kind of bullshit

Please be a troll.... Everyone is suggesting to add test, and your response is to drop gh and Winstrol (winny) while staying on primo?

Facepalming hard right now.
Thank you for the reply and help, i appreciate it, i dropped the HGH all of it, and i dropped the winstrol too, i have a bottle of Primo left and i am going to finish it which is around 10 days left in it, i really see nice lean muscle gains my hands are a bit swollen in the morning only now not like before still little wrist pain, so you are suggesting i run post cycle therapy (pct), can you please let me know what post cycle therapy (pct) product i should take everyone is talking about Clomid for production ? what else i should take something for liver cleansing ?

Appreciate your help alot... By the way this was the first and last cycle ever, i am not the right guy for this kind of bullshit

Just take it slow and learn, its not as hard to understand once you have put in the research. (months of)
some will argue clomid some will argue Nolvadex some will argue to use both.
but aslong as you us eone for 3-5 weeks you should be fine,

I rec just grabing Liquid Clomi from RUI to quickly get it and do your post cycle therapy (pct) research with that.
as for liver not sure if you need it but this will help detox the liver: Ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA) ---> Ursodeoxycholic acid
and your post cycle therapy (pct) study: Clomi 70mL 35mg/mL

I know it can be over whelming when your new to it, it made my head spin too at some point.


PS. if you are unsure on amount:
wk1-4 Clomid 35-75mg ed (or about 1-1.5ml ed)
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Please be a troll.... Everyone is suggesting to add test, and your response is to drop gh and Winstrol (winny) while staying on primo?

Facepalming hard right now.

I think he just wants to try get something out of it.
thing I hate about primo is having to pin soo much oil leading to a more likely steril absess (my op) because of having to pin ATLEAST 600mg ew (800 optimal in my op) for 14-18 weeks for it to be worth it (thats with ATLEAST 250mg teste ew) fo 8ml of oil ew is a bit much. when 2ml tren and 1-3ml test do me nice :)
and Im complain with 200mg/ml I have not what seems the norm of 100mg/ml.

It is a good product but 100-300mg ew on its own is not worth anything other then it being the most costly to buy in most cases.

Live and learn. atleast he came on here now, not after 3 or 4 cycles asking why he cant keep his dick up and why he is growing breast glands...
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only thing I have to say is, wow what a waste of HGH, i would kill for a stash of HGH that I could use for a year at 5ui a day. But it is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO expensive so I am not quite ready yet for that game, but I can't wait to get my grubby hands on it. And yea, there is no way that HGH can fuck up your sex drive or your mood. You have no more test in your body and now estrogen is running wild making behave like a PMSing woman. DROP EVERYTHING ONCE YOU GET YOUR PCT (i recommend clomid only), DO PCT FOR 4 WEEKS,PRAY THAT EVERYTHING GOES BACK TO NORMAL, NEVER TOUCH GEAR AGAIN.