Its Time!


New member
Finally after months of prepping im ready to start my summer cut/lean gain cycle. I feel this cycle will give me my best gains because im in the best shape ive been in and Ive been having success with my diet.

Weeks 1-10 - Test E 300mg/week
Weeks 1-10 - Primo 500mg/week
Weeks 2-10 - Anavar (var) 60mg/day

PCT - Clomid 50/50/25/25
I have nolva hopefully i wont need it

Ive been doing a 5x5 routine with 25 min walking cardio 4x a week at about 125 heart rate.

5'8 195 bout 14% BF
My diet:
First let me say it is hard for me to loose weight so my carbs are very low I know, but it seems to be the only thing that works for me.

5:30am - 4 egg whites,2 whole eggs
1/2 cup dry oats

8:30am - Optimimum Shake (1 scoop)

12pm - 1 cup spinach
8 oz. ground turkey

3:30pm - Preworkout shake (1 scoop)

5pm - Post workout shake (2 scoops)

6:30pm - 11 oz tilapia
1 cup spinach

9-9:30pm - 4 humapro pills

Total - 1701/56/52/236 (Without humapro pills)

My goals are to stay the same weight or gain LEAN mass and getting down to 10/11% BF.
Any feedback/help would be appreciated! thanks
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lean keepable gains are my primary goals. and I would like to gain 5-10 pounds while reducing my BF to 10%. This should be doable correct?
lean keepable gains are my primary goals. and I would like to gain 5-10 pounds while reducing my BF to 10%. This should be doable correct?

Yes sir that is a very reasonable goal you have there. I think you could easily achieve these goals. Train hard and eat harder in you case eat smart.
end of my 1st week of Anavar (var) and 3rd week of test/primo. Im a little more vascular and mentally i feel terriffic. Still prob to early to really notice size gains but i do feel fucking horny as hell. When i did prop last year I was not nearly as horny as I am now and im only 3 weeks in.

I still weigh 195 which is good because my abs are becoming more visible. Next couple weeks I would think some size and strength gains are coming. My workouts are better already so next step is some size/hardness.