200mg test Cyp EW
100 mg Anavar (var) ED
Started Anavar (var) today
Test is already kicked in. front loaded with 500 mg/wk while i waited for Anavar (var) to come in just for the hell of it. Tapered to 400 mg last stab, tomorrow will taper to 200 mg of Test
I want my shoulder to get better so I can hit 405 on bench Raw.
I've got 50 mg Anavar (var) caps and 200mg/ml Test
Am running HCG 2xper week
plan on running this as long as it takes to heal up and as long as my liver values are ok. I'll check in 6 weeks.
100 mg Anavar (var) ED
Started Anavar (var) today
Test is already kicked in. front loaded with 500 mg/wk while i waited for Anavar (var) to come in just for the hell of it. Tapered to 400 mg last stab, tomorrow will taper to 200 mg of Test
I want my shoulder to get better so I can hit 405 on bench Raw.
I've got 50 mg Anavar (var) caps and 200mg/ml Test
Am running HCG 2xper week
plan on running this as long as it takes to heal up and as long as my liver values are ok. I'll check in 6 weeks.