joint recovery stack

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ive had a shoulder injury for some time. recurring. certain angles and movements aggrevate it. NPP has been my savior. i dont mess with Deca because of the long ester but man NPP is some good stuff if you ever feel like getting your hands on some. Running Test P/NPP/Var right now and loving it. Joints feel nice and lubed up :) Good luck with your current stack though. Var is great stuff. Im only running half of what you are running (50MG ed) and its still doing great things for pumps and vascularity.
as far as the sarms s4 and the taste

I just put my dropper into a 0 size capsule, then cap it and swallow, it's very easy and probably the easiest way to do it.

just be quick about it.
ive had a shoulder injury for some time. recurring. certain angles and movements aggrevate it. NPP has been my savior. i dont mess with Deca because of the long ester but man NPP is some good stuff if you ever feel like getting your hands on some. Running Test P/NPP/Var right now and loving it. Joints feel nice and lubed up :) Good luck with your current stack though. Var is great stuff. Im only running half of what you are running (50MG ed) and its still doing great things for pumps and vascularity.

ok, good idea, i'll research into it for joint recovery purposes.

that sounds like a really nice cycle.
as far as the sarms s4 and the taste

I just put my dropper into a 0 size capsule, then cap it and swallow, it's very easy and probably the easiest way to do it.

just be quick about it.

great idea.

Where sponsor did you order your s4 from?
hit squats and glute ham raises today.

i feel i have leaned out since starting sarms. my appetite is a bit down, but i can't say it's from sarms, i think its more the var.

I am def leaner rt now, and tighter. obviously it's not a drop in bf, it's just i feel im holding less sub q water. and my vascularity is up a little.
squats friday
felt ok, just worked on being fast with 315. lower back is about 2 weeks away from me being able to go pretty hard on squats again.

bench saturday
4 boards
worked up to 365 for 1 for 2 attempts, hit both

Then hit 315 for 7 reps with 3 boards
This means next ME day i will attempt 375 with 4 boards, i should be able to hit that.

Then i did some tricep and ab work.

My Volume is very low, and im making progress, so im going to keep it that way.

I'm also going to start adding some sprint cardio work in, via rowing machine, hills, sprints on track, and some sled/prowler work.

rest sunday
did some pull-downs, db rows, biceps and stomach work, no numbers that are noteworthy.

but my shoulder is feeling pretty good.

felt a really good pump, i feel my vascularity is starting to show more, especially considering i have been eating like crap the last 2 weeks.

I feel like the s4 gives me good energy, but not like caffeine.

deads tomorrow :)
did rack deads yesterday, worked up to 405, for 3.

felt really nice, feel like my back is holding up and getting back to being rock solid.

also did GHR's, trying to get that hammy strength back up.

rev band bench, 275, had 1 #4 band on top of rack, helps work explosiveness on bench.

did 8 sets of 5 reps.

felt very good able to really load up and be fast off the bottom. this means i should be able to start going very heavy and my shoulder should start to feel perfect soon.

added some suspended KB dips, some explosive triceps with a #3 band, ab work, and some light fast cable flys for chest, working on being fast with out losing scapular position.

I think im about to get really strong now.

S4 makes gives extra energy, i really feel a tightness and more energy.

I have been on 100mg of var/day, now it seems like i've kicked up the var to 200mg.

the next 2-3 weeks will be a real test, if im able to start breaking some PR's, then i'll love sarms forever.

appetite seems to be more normal again. I think my appetite suppression was from stress.
Solid job thus far. Injuries suck, but we all have to get through 'em!! I like how detailed you're keeping the thread. Keep it updated.
I switched from Var to Tbol 5 days ago as well as upped my s4 to 100mg/day

I am doing
50mg tbol ED
100mg s4 ED
100mg Test cyp Every mon/thurs
100 iu Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) ED

added 1mg dostinex(cabr)/wk
added 240 mg hyaluronic acid ED
added 4 g cissus quadrangularis ED

i've had no vision issues thus far with the s4

i added tbol because it was the first aas i ever used and it is what originally healed my back.

I've always wanted to try dostinex, it seems like an amazing substance, so far it's pretty legit stuff, i feel great with it and it bumps my sex drive up as well.

shoulder feels good, i've been able to do some full range pull-ups and my bench is starting to feel like i can push it a little bit.

I am upping my calories, adding in 2 yams a day, and more hemp protein and chicken, so i'll start trying to get strong again now.
did some rowing yesterday

1:30.5 for 500meters, its been at least 6 months since i tried this, so this is a decent time. i kicked a little to late or i would have been sub 1:30, i need to kick at 100m left, but i hesitated and kicked at 80 meters... i bet i can get around 1:25 in a couple weeks of work.

did some vertical jumps, hit 30", not bad for not working it for a year
benched yesterday

lots of warm up, rowed a medium 500 meters

just barley missed it, i haven't done top end full range work in a long time so it felt really good.

i'd say I'm basically 90% back with my shoulder and im going to be pushing hard.

now i'll be adding in some harder squat workouts and i should be golden and should be able to set some prs

want to hit 405 on bench, and 525 on squat.