bump it to 50mgs ed
ya, im gonna do that
but im sketched about vision sides, so i am going to start very low and work up just in case my batch is over dosed.
bump it to 50mgs ed
ive had a shoulder injury for some time. recurring. certain angles and movements aggrevate it. NPP has been my savior. i dont mess with Deca because of the long ester but man NPP is some good stuff if you ever feel like getting your hands on some. Running Test P/NPP/Var right now and loving it. Joints feel nice and lubed upGood luck with your current stack though. Var is great stuff. Im only running half of what you are running (50MG ed) and its still doing great things for pumps and vascularity.
as far as the sarms s4 and the taste
I just put my dropper into a 0 size capsule, then cap it and swallow, it's very easy and probably the easiest way to do it.
just be quick about it.
great idea.
Where sponsor did you order your s4 from?