Journey to be a "Big Guy"

He says he is like 13-15%bf. He must be closer to 15. hes just a big dude. He reminds me of mr. Incredible. Huge upper body and small legs kinda look. His legs aren't tiny but aren't near proportion to his upper body.
Well this is my first cycle, Tuesday was my first injection and I was more nervous than I thought I would be.


6' 280 LBS
25 yrs old
Been lifting for 10 years

SQ: 600 Unequipped
BP: 430 Raw
DL: 565 Raw


Key: AD= A Day, W=Week, D=Day

Test Cyp: (250mg every Tue & Fri) X10W
HCG: (1000 I.U. AD) X7D (500 I.U. AD)X2W
Clomid: (100mg AD) X 10D (50mg AD) X10D (25mg AD) X8D
Still trying to find some Aromasin to take ED.

Wish me luck!

You are running a "10w" cycle of a long ester.

I would go a little longer than that. At a minimum 14 weeks. I am also on first cycle T/E 500mg wkly. The gains don't really kick in till the 5th or 6th week. At first the initial body weight gain/bloat is what is driving one mentally, the physiology comes into play later, that gives one that extra push. After the initial kick you are only gaining benefits for another 4 to 5. So go longer imo.

Great lifts btw.

Best of luck - keep us posted on your progress.
Randy, 20ml is what I bought so gonna have to stick with the 10 weeks. Besides its still only my first cycle so no reason to go balls out the first time. Don't know how my body is gonna react. Hope I keep a lot of my gains.


Soreness in my right glute is 90% gone. Going to pin the left today.
Just did my second inject about 30min ago. Felt it a little more than the first but all is good now. Can't wait to start feeling something in the next two weeks.
Randy, 20ml is what I bought so gonna have to stick with the 10 weeks. Besides its still only my first cycle so no reason to go balls out the first time. Don't know how my body is gonna react. Hope I keep a lot of my gains.


Soreness in my right glute is 90% gone. Going to pin the left today.

Cool w/ me bro. It was just a suggestion. Best of luck!
Decided to move injections to Mon/Thr because I have two jobs on Fridays and it was kind of a pain in the ass (no pun intended) to inject between jobs. So I injected today in the quad with minimum pain. Forgot to pull plunger back when the needle was fully inserted to make sure I didn't hit a vein. That was two hours ago and haven't died yet so I think I'm good. Still very excited to get big!!
Quad ended up being more sore than I would have liked but it is a lot better after a good nights sleep. Really cant wait for all my injection sites to be broken in! Going to start taking some HCG twice a week from here on out. Anybody have any recommendations for mg? I don't want to inject, its just easier to get the oral stuff.

Today marks the first full week on cycle and it's bench day for me. I don't expect anything to be different but my attitude sure has changed. I feel like I'm 20 years old again, chomping at the bit to get in the weight room.
Decided to move injections to Mon/Thr because I have two jobs on Fridays and it was kind of a pain in the ass (no pun intended) to inject between jobs. So I injected today in the quad with minimum pain. Forgot to pull plunger back when the needle was fully inserted to make sure I didn't hit a vein. That was two hours ago and haven't died yet so I think I'm good. Still very excited to get big!!

i hate sticking it in the quad cause i swear i hit 50 nerves on the way in. i still do my quads regularly but its not fun. and then of course the pain that whole day.
Did my other quad injection last night and it went a lot smoother! Went a litter higher and to the outside. I have no pain when walking and only feel tenderness when I rub the injection site. My aromasin and Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) should be in by March 11th, fingers crossed.
Got my Aromasin in the mail yesterday and took 12.5mg. From what I could find 12.5mg EOD should be fine unless gyno acts up. Open to some advice on this. Still waiting on the HCG.
Monday marked the beginning of my fourth week. Injected in the quad and man is my leg sore today. Feels like someone punched me right in the side of the quad. Its a good pain if that makes sense. Decided to bump up my Aromasin dose from 12.5 EOD to 12.5 ED. I could care less if I don't make as big of gaines because of this. The only real number that matters to me is what I can keep post cycle. Still waiting on HCG...

Last Weeks PR's:

Bench: 350x7 (wraps and chalk)
Deadlift: 475 + 80 lbs of band tension at the top x4 (belt and chalk)
Box Squat (17''): 485x6 (Belt and chalk)

The 350x7 is something that I have been chasing down for two months now. I have manged to miss the lockout on the seventh rep twice. Last Tue I owned it
On the DL the bands are fully deloaded at the bottom and really kick in at about knee height.
The box I used for squats is a 1/2'' lower than normal. Trying to slowly work my way down.

Hoping to see a difference in my training this week, fingers crossed.
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Quad injection was pretty sore the last couple days but it is getting better now. I think all "pimps" should have to inject at least 250mg of test into there quad to earn the right to "pimp walk" like I did.

Last Tuesday was bench day and holy shit did I get the kick that I wanted. Hit 370x6, by the 3rd rep I was in disbelief that I had already done 3 so quickly. It was literally a blink of the eye from 1 to 3 then I started to pause for a quick second at the top of each rep. Once I grinded out the 6th rep I was toasted!

Tonight is Deadlift night so I look forward to seeing what I can do.
Had a buddy pin my left shoulder last night and I must say it was/is considerably less painful then any of my other injection sites.
Last night was also my Deadlift night and for not even wanting to be there I pulled a decent workout out of my ass. Worked up to 500x4 (Belt and Chalk). The reps consisted of 2 touch-and-go and 2 pauses. I think if my mind had been in the game that 5 would have been doable. What can I say sometimes you just don't feel like picking shit up, lol.