Journey to cutting


New member
Hey all,

I am 21 years old, 210 pounds 5 feet 11 and body percentage of around 25 %. I started my diet as of yesterday. 3J helped me create the diet (thanks again) and started exercise yesterday as well. I guess i will keep this as a long, if anyone has advice or questions, feel free to ask. Here's what my diet looks like:

meal1 cal/fat/carb/pro
2 large whole eggs 167/12.2/1.3/12.3
2 whole wheat toast 150/2/26.7/6.3

meal2 cal/fat/carb/pro
6oz chicken breast w/o skin 177/3.8/0/33.2
1 cup of broccoli 102/5.1/13.2/4.4
2 whole wheat toast 150/2/26.7/6.3

meal3 cal/fat/carb/pro
6oz chicken breast w/o skin 177/3.8/0/33.2
1 medium sweet potato 172/0.17/23.6/2.3

pwo cal/fat/carb/pro
whey shake 150/0/0/35
Apple 71/0.23/19.1/0.36
Orange 61.6/0.16/15.4/1.2

meal4 cal/fat/carb/pro
2 chicken thighs 303.7/19/0/30.8
1 cup of broccoli 102/5.1/13.2/4.4

meal5 cal/fat/carb/pro
6oz chicken breast w/o skin 177/3.8/0/33.2
1 cup of broccoli 102/5.1/13.2/4.4

meal6 cal/fat/carb/pro
8oz turkey breast 379/18.8/0/49

Calories: 2370.3 Fat: 81.44 Carbs: 159.4 Protien: 238.56
Stay focused and determined and you'll make your goals. What's your training look like? Diet looks good. Ill be following along and throwing in my input randomly.

Good Luck.
Day 1 legs

Squats – 3x10
Leg press – 3x10 (switch to leg extension every 2 weeks)
Deadlift – 3x10
Straight leg Deadlift – 3x10
Lunges – 3x10 (barbell and dumbbell switch every 3 weeks)
leg curls – 3x10

Day 2 chest

Incline Bench press – 3x10 (switch from Barbell to Dumbbell every 3 weeks)
Flat bench – 3x10 (same as incline switch every 3 weeks)
Decline Bench – 3x10
Bench flys – 3x10
Pecdeck/cable flys – 3x10
Push ups with medicine ball 3x7

Day 3 back

Lat pull Down – 3x10
Seated Row – 3x10
Bent Over Row – 3x10 (switch grips every other set over and under)
T bar – 3x10
Dumbbell Row – 3x10

Day 4 triceps & shoulders

Body dips – 3x10
Flat/Decline close grip Bench press – 3x10 (switch every 3 weeks)
Triceps pull downs – 3x10 (either rope or pull down bar)
Standing Military Press – 3x10
Reverse Peckdeck – 3x10
Seated Dumbbell shoulder press – 3x10
Lateral raises – 3x10

Day 5 biceps & traps

Barbell curls – 3x10
Seated Dumbbell curls – 3x10
Seated Barbell curls – 3x10 (either machine or preacher bar/Easy bar)
Barbell shrugs – 3x10 (switch to dumbbells every 2 weeks)
5 days a week with the weekends off? Its a lot of volume no doubt about that. I have 2 things, first If you want to do SL DL and Regular Id switch Deads to Back day and keep the SL when you train Legs. And second thing is if your trying to lose weight, being in a calorie defecit you may get burned out and over train with that volume, if you dont have adequate rest.

With the little stack your doing and enough sleep you may be able to avoid it though. Just watch and listen to your body.
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diet and workout looks good brother. Whats your cardio look like? I saw on Welter's thread you said something about checking your weight to see at the end of the week. I personally just started about 5-6 weeks ago and only check every two weeks, If I check everyday it seems to drag out. My results have been great on 3J's diet. check out my thread if you wanna follow It's titled "my new diet" in the diet forum. I'll be following your journal to see your progress. Good luck buddy
With the little stack your doing and enough sleep you may be able to avoid it though. Just watch and listen to your body.[/QUOTE]

yeah ill be starting need2slin in 2 weeks or so, im getting 8 hours of sleep a night
diet and workout looks good brother. Whats your cardio look like? I saw on Welter's thread you said something about checking your weight to see at the end of the week. I personally just started about 5-6 weeks ago and only check every two weeks, If I check everyday it seems to drag out. My results have been great on 3J's diet. check out my thread if you wanna follow It's titled "my new diet" in the diet forum. I'll be following your journal to see your progress. Good luck buddy

My cardio, is 15 mins elliptical, 15 mins bike and 15 mins tredmil but speed walking on high incline
Day 3,

Starting breakfast, i think im getting used to all these meals, i noticed im starting to get hungry inbetween meals.. i guess its not as much food as i thought its alot smaller meals and alot of meat (which i love).. when do you guys think my first weigh in should be? day 1 i was 210
Day 3,

Starting breakfast, i think im getting used to all these meals, i noticed im starting to get hungry inbetween meals.. i guess its not as much food as i thought its alot smaller meals and alot of meat (which i love).. when do you guys think my first weigh in should be? day 1 i was 210

I wouldnt weight yourself any more than once a week, even then id push it to every other week or even once a month. You'll get too caught up in it if your doing it all the time.
ok I'll weigh myself on the 17th, which will mean it will be 2 weeks on diet and workout, i should know if its working by then right?
ok I'll weigh myself on the 17th, which will mean it will be 2 weeks on diet and workout, i should know if its working by then right?

You should see some change, but if you dont then dont get discouraged, with all the extra eating and need2slin, the first week or maybe a little longer you may gain a little weight but its just your body adjusting, after that you should start losing fairly quickly.

I would give it til your 2nd weigh in, so maybe like 3 or 4 weeks and if things havent progressed how you want them too then we can tweak your diet a little and training if need be.

But again everything takes time and you have to be patient. Remember Rome wasnt built in a day.
okay well day 3 is almost done...1meal left...i might take 2morrow off from the gym instead of taking the whole weekend off.. reason for this is i may go out with my gf 2mrww
alright thanks man, last thing is a gallon of water too much a day?[/QUOTE]

gallon should not be to much unless you havent been drinkin water. I drink between 1.5 and 2 gallons a day, now 2 might be to much but I sweat alot at work. cardio looks like you wont get bored since youre switching it up. I just do incline brisk walk for 45 minutes with 5 minute flat slow cool down. Log looks good man keep it up. and don't stress over the weigh ins just yet man, if youre like me you'll wanna be on the scale every day, and I did that the first week and got frustrated, stepped off the scale for a couple and then I noticed my results. another good thing to do is take measurements, this will tell the truth cuz your wieght can stay the same and move from fat to muscle and you'll feel like nothing happened I check measurements every 14-21 days. since I got back in the gym the End of January Ive lost about 7 inches around my belly but my weight only went from 215 to 205. Dont know bout you but I'de rather see 7 inches of fat gone as apposed to 5 pounds here and there. good luck buddy
feels like im constantly eating

Remeber when I first started I felt like preparing and eating my meals was a part time job. I just cook 4 days worth at a time now and its just habit. I'm always hungry now, I promise eating gets easier, Lousiana hot sauce is my new best friend though
alright thanks man, last thing is a gallon of water too much a day?

naw, to me a gallon is on the low side, i drink probably 2 a day. Id rather be over hydrated then under. H2O is what makes everything work remember that!