Juicers, discuss your strength in exercises

raw lifter 1 said:
I'm actually being Conservative :D ........I have a good video of me benching 535 at 242lbs....I will try and post it.

Believe these numbers. If you guys had seen this dude, you wouldn't have any doubts.
raw lifter 1 said:
I'm actually being Conservative :D ........I have a good video of me benching 535 at 242lbs....I will try and post it.

Single, or for reps?

Well i haven't been able to bench in the past two months but i think my bench is still pretty good because i just did reverse gripped bench the other day and i did 315 x 5reps but my other lifts squat with out knee wraps isnt that great i can only do 440 and hang clean is pretty good i do 295.... im 20 yrs old 6" 225...
i will only mention basic exercises

squats- 495 / 10

bent barb rows- 365/ 8

deadlifts- 495 / 4

press behid the neck- 225 / 5

upright rows- 185 / 10

closse grip barb bench- 315 / 10

barb flat bench- 405 / 1

standing barb curls- 155 / 10