Just finished first cycle


New member
Thought I'd share my first cycle thoughts and experiences.

In dec my stats:
6 ft
age 32
25%body fat

my cycle: 400mg test cyp ew wk 1-10
anavar 50mg ed wk 1-10
hcg throughout
arimidex 3times a week, throughout.

my last pin was a week ago. I know the test is just starting to leave my body.

Felt great while I was on. Lifts got better. I got stronger. I improved my bench by 50 lbs, to 365. Squat improved from 505 to 625. Diet while on was good.

I now weigh 252 with 20% body fat. the scales say I gained 20 lbs but when i see my stomach i know it is moer toned so i lost more than the 20.

Now i will transition to cardio and REALLY dieting.

side effects: only one negative. around week 7/8 I noticed alot of red bumps on my chest. Not the usual body acne either. weird. see if it goes away here in the near future.

Just wanted to share with you all good people. Hope it helps some lost soul who is where I was at 3 months ago.