Just finished my first conversion...


30 ml of Masteron @ 100mg/ml
3%BA, 10%BB in safflower oil

I think it probably would have gone at less but let's see how well it holds...

Thanks to Easto for all the help :)
prop should go at same ratio as you used on dros. 5% ba and 15%bb is fail safe but you may get by with less.
pullinbig said:
prop should go at same ratio as you used on dros. 5% ba and 15%bb is fail safe but you may get by with less.

Haven't made the prop yet. I'm thinking I'm going to make a 50/50 test/dros blend as I'm going to add test after seeing what the masteron does on it's own to me.
gorilla_boy said:
Haven't made the prop yet. I'm thinking I'm going to make a 50/50 test/dros blend as I'm going to add test after seeing what the masteron does on it's own to me.

why blend them when you can just pull them both up in the same syringe?