Just finished PCT.


New member
I just finished running four weeks of post cycle therapy (pct) (Clomid/Nolvadex) 50/50/50/50 clomid 40/40/20/20 nolva. Is there anything else left to do at this point in regards to post cycle therapy (pct)? Any recommendations/advice will be greatly appreciated.
What did you run and for how long? how long after your last shot did you start PCT?

Most important

How do you feel? sex drive in full swing? nuts back to full size? energy levels?

Any plans for post cycle blood work?
What did you run and for how long? how long after your last shot did you start PCT?

Most important

How do you feel? sex drive in full swing? nuts back to full size? energy levels?

Any plans for post cycle blood work?

I ran 500 mg's of Cypionate for 10 weeks. It was two weeks after my last shot that I started post cycle therapy (pct).

My nuts are back (thankfully), and my sex drive has gotten a lot better than it was (I was in the dumps for about the first two weeks of the PCT). My energy levels are fine as well.

I plan to do post-cycle blood work within the next couple of weeks.
Well eat like its free. U wanna try to keep is much as possible

^^^^^^ most important part. Don't try cutting yet, let your boddy get accustomed to carrying around more weight 1st.

Also, you may want to do 3 sets of 7 instead of 3 sets of 10. Lift heavy still.
If your on 5x5's go to 5x4's.... there is no exact science for this but you get the point. Lift heavy with SLIGHTLY lower reps. Make damn sure you dont go catabolic when you do cardio.

As Herm said though eat big for a minute yet.
I ran 500 mg's of Cypionate for 10 weeks. It was two weeks after my last shot that I started post cycle therapy (pct).

My nuts are back (thankfully), and my sex drive has gotten a lot better than it was (I was in the dumps for about the first two weeks of the PCT). My energy levels are fine as well.

I plan to do post-cycle blood work within the next couple of weeks.

You did all of your homework before the cycle and followed through. Good job Empire!