Just got bloodwork back. What does it mean??


New member
These are the results. Taken yesterday 3/9/11. My last cycle, ended with my last shot of test enanthate, of 250mg on around january 15th-17th, within those couple days. so 2 weeks after i started post cycle therapy (pct) of nolva and clomid and tbomb and tribulus. been taking tbomb and tribulus up until 2 days before the blood test.

so my last shot of test was about 7 weeks ago atleast...

let me know if u cant read it or something and i should upload results a different way.
my test, estro, lh, fsh, are off the charts. wtf. it should be my natural levels by now shouldnt it? I went through my post-cycle depression and lost a bunch of weight, so my numbers had to of hit 0...

atleast my cholesterol looks good?
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i definately dont know for sure, so correct me if im wrong, but my understanding of the LH and FSH is those are what produce ur natural test levels. so if i was on cycle, those numbers would be low since i would be injecting testosterone. But since those numbers are high, it means I have natural test being produced, and maybe the tbomb is actually an effective supplement to increase LH?

The high test levels makes me think that the injectable test is still in my system, but how is that possible? and because my estro is high, should i be taking arimidex ed during and after cycles?

What are normal levels of all that stuff when on a cycle? because I plan to get blood work done while on cycle too so i can keep track of estro and liver numbers
You might want to post this over on the anabolic medicine section. I wish I had some answers for you, but aside from the obvious (TE still in system, TBomb affecting levels etc.), I can't say anything definitive.

Just got bloodwork back, what does it mean?

These are the results. Taken yesterday 3/9/11. My last cycle, ended with my last shot of test enanthate, of 250mg on around january 15th-17th, within those couple days. so 2 weeks after i started post cycle therapy (pct) of nolva and clomid and tbomb and tribulus. been taking tbomb and tribulus up until 2 days before the blood test.

so my last shot of test was about 7 weeks ago atleast...

let me know if u cant read it or something and i should upload results a different way.

my test, estro, lh, fsh, are off the charts. wtf. it should be my natural levels by now shouldnt it? I went through my post-cycle depression and lost a bunch of weight, so my numbers had to of hit 0...

atleast my cholesterol looks good?

also, i just talked to a guy at the gym, he is 44 and his natural levels are 550 test. he said my 1100 is probably my natural level since im 20. if thats true, thats still a pretty high natural level isnt it? i thought most ppl are around 5-600 and 900-1000+ test levels is usually what pro althetes are at naturally.
I can't read any of it since on my phone. What #'s are in normal range and which are high/low. Lh/fsh can be high and test low. May have some estro rebound. I'd have to see numbers first.
A guy at the gym today, he is 44, experienced bodybuilder, many yrs of juicing. He said that his natural test leves are around 550. He said my 1100 might be my normal levels considering my age. I'll list the things that were high here:

BUN 29 High
Creatinine, Serum 1.35 High
BUN/Creatinine Ratio 21 High
AST (SGOT) 69 High
ALT (SGPT) 59 High
Testosterone, Serum 1101 High
LH 26.2 High
FSH 24.8 High
Estradiol 61.3 High

for some reason it doesnt look like they tested for free testosterone?
estro is high-T should have cleared by now for sure. must be the T bombs. i would clean up and get tested without running anything just to be sure.
just in case u cant read it, the things that were flagged high were:

BUN 29 High
Creatinine, Serum 1.35 High
BUN/Creatinine Ratio 21 High
AST (SGOT) 69 High
ALT (SGPT) 59 High
Testosterone, Serum 1101 High
LH 26.2 High
FSH 24.8 High
Estradiol 61.3 High

it doesnt look like they tested for free testosterone?

And like I said, the test e last shot was over 7 weeks ago... that has to be my natural levels?
estro is high-T should have cleared by now for sure. must be the T bombs. i would clean up and get tested without running anything just to be sure.

that tbomb must be a legit otc supplement.

I know that estro is high, but whats normal estro levels while on cycle? Should I be taking an anti e or something during my next cycle (which i just started). I know i didnt take much recovery time but i didnt plan far enough in advance and i had to jump on my pre-contest cycle.
maybe the T bombs do work who knows, whatever works for you I would stick with. Honestly when ever you break is going to be that short-i wouldnt PCT.

The estro thing is up to you-Im just saying when off cycle or on Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) estro @ 25-30 would be much better.
Well since you jumped back on there won't be a way to tell what's going on. Did you get one done before starting your last cycle?
what the hell is a Tbomb? If its a test booster, then there is your answer. High T levels with slight aromatization leading to higher than normal estro levels.

just an FYI, its a waste of time to get bloodwork done IMO if you are on anything that will alter your hormone levels. OTC or not. This is why OTC test boosters and shit are bad to me as they may work, but most guys come off of them and don't think about potential problems.
Well since you jumped back on there won't be a way to tell what's going on. Did you get one done before starting your last cycle?

no unfortunately because I wasn't aware of a good way to do that before. After this show Ill be natural for atleast 4 months so throughout that time im going to get a couple blood tests done and that should tell me where my true natural levels are at.

And yes RJ, tbomb is a test booster by MHP.

Im gonna get bloodwork done again in maybe a month or so, once all my gear has kicked in full swing so I can see where everything is at and look at taking an anti e then to keep things balanced out.
how long was your cycle and were you just on 250mg a week of test?

if so, i am a little surprised your bun, creatine, ast and alt are raised..i was on 500 of test a week at 15 weeks and got a cholesterol panel done and all those came back normal..didnt did a hormone panel done though..my thought is possibley raised due to the nolva?
I assume your test levels are high due to being on your post cycle therapy (pct). If you want your real numbers get your hormone panel tested again 4 to 6 weeks after you finish pct.

Those are my thoughts.

I was running 500mg a week of test e and 600mg a wk of eq. I waited 2 weeks, did post cycle therapy (pct) for 4 weeks, and a week later I got this test done.

Actually it could have been more like 6-700mg of test e a week.
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ohh got ya.i must have misread it..

I think with a bit more time off your levels will return to normal. If you have the cash or health insurance covers it, i would get another panel done in like 2 months if your still curious about your levels. I would assume your test dropped a bit since that was only 1 week post pct..that is my thought though