Just my Damn Luck


I was getting ready to shoot today and i dropped about 80+cc's of tren onto the floor. Smashed everywhere. That batch was made from pellets. thank god i have 10 extra grams of tren acetate powder laying around. Anyone have any good solvent ratios for some painless tren? Thanks

damn thats gotta be the worst. better start handling your shit on a carpeted floor so it dont break. lol...
Right, i wish i had carpeted floors in my house, but it's all tile and hardwood. Im mixing up a batch at 4% Ba as we speak, hopefully it holds.
You use BB for Tren ace? I always thought it just needed BA. Well i made the batch at 100mg/ml with 4% BA, i guess ill find out if it holds.
I put bb in everything with a high MP, and a lot now too. Ive been going with around 20%bb for everything with 1% ba. Take it from upjohn these ratios produce some nice gear. Cyp, prop, trenA its all smooth as silk.
I bet 1/20 would work nice for prop. I already made this batch at 4% Ba only. Have you ever tried making TA with BA only, i hope it doesnt crash. If it does ill add a little bb.
i have had tren to hold with 5% ba and have had it not to hold at that amount. last batch i made it 5% ba and 10% bb. it held fine. next time i use the high bb method as this works great for cyp which is very fickle.

last batch of cyp i went 2% ba and 17% bb @ 333mg/ml pain free.
Nice to hear. I was wondering if any of you vets notice that when gear is kept in smaller vials (ie-20ml vials) that it is less likely to crash. From my experience and this has happened to me twice, I made prop and had some in a 100ml vial and some in a couple 20ml vials, the prop in the large vial crashed and the small ones are still holding to this day. Same thing happened to me with the Winstrol (winny) in peg at 100mg/ml, i kept some in a 100ml vial and some in 20 ml vials, the one in the large vial keeps crashing, and the one in the small vial never crashed. Is this just coincidence?

pullinbig said:
never noticed the vial size making a difference.

It makes a difference when you drop it -- you lose more gear when you smash a larger vial.

NYCEE said:
Nice to hear. I was wondering if any of you vets notice that when gear is kept in smaller vials (ie-20ml vials) that it is less likely to crash. From my experience and this has happened to me twice, I made prop and had some in a 100ml vial and some in a couple 20ml vials, the prop in the large vial crashed and the small ones are still holding to this day. Same thing happened to me with the Winstrol (winny) in peg at 100mg/ml, i kept some in a 100ml vial and some in 20 ml vials, the one in the large vial keeps crashing, and the one in the small vial never crashed. Is this just coincidence?


i have always stored mine in 100ml vials. i don't transfer it to smaller vials until i'm ready to use it. never had an issue compared to storing in smaller vials.
ld50 said:
i have always stored mine in 100ml vials. i don't transfer it to smaller vials until i'm ready to use it. never had an issue compared to storing in smaller vials.

Hmm guess that was just a coincidence. :confused: