Just pinned 3rd injection of first ever Test E & D bol Cycle.


New member
Hey folks.

I started my first cycle a few weeks back now and have just pinned my 3rd injection of test E. I wanted to keep a little journal going so here is is.

My Cycle
Test E @ 500mg P/W for 12 weeks
D Bol @ 30mg per day for 4 weeks.
Arimidex @ 0.25mg EOD

Week 14 Nolvadex 40/40/20/20
Clomid 50/50/25/25

Unfortunately I could not source any HCG so I will just have to carry out the standard PCT after my cycle.

So Far

I would say on a personal level I feel good so far. I haven't noticed too many changes yet but I know it's early stages. I will say though my Libido level have gone through the roof! It;s like I'm permanently on Viagra which it's pretty funny and the old lady never complains!
I would say physical wise I maybe look a little fuller and have put on a few lbs so far.

My stats before I started

28 years old, 6ft 3, 95kg or 210 lbs. I am unsure about my body fat but I have a tall slim figure.

Any pointers, tips, questions or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


P.s - I know people advise against using 2 compounds on first cycle but I had both on hand and wanted to kick start the test with the d-bol.
Looks like a good set up. You said you started a few weeks back and your only on your 3rd pin? Can you explain? Did you run dbol for a week or so and not pin?
I am pinning 500mg once every week. I'm not overly keen on injecting myself and seen as test E is a long ester I figured it would be ok to pin once per week.

I have completed 2 weeks off the cycle so far and pinned my 3rd injection today so starting the 3rd week.

Hope that makes sense?
You really should be pinning 2 times a week at 250mgs! Just cause the ester is longer doesn't mean you can just pin once a week cause you dont like pinning. Pinning is part of the game. Every thing has a half life and your not riding a nice even flow of consistent test. If I'm not mistaken your going up and down in your levels right now. I think a salty dog to this game can break it down for you better than i can, but you really need to get on a 2 pins a week scheduled at 250mgs each.
Kron I appreciate the advice buddy - thank you! Like I said when creating this forum, I am open to all questions/pointers and critisism so I've taken on board what you have said.

Seen as I pin on a Thursday, if I start pinning x2 a week should my next pin be Sunday then Thursday?
Josh, i would wait till next Thursday to make your next pin as you have already flooded your system with 500mgs and will only be adding 250mgs close behind that. Pin again next Thursday at 250mgs and then again on Monday at 250mgs. Then stick to Mondays and Thursdays and you should be fine.

If any pro's out there have a word to add please do.
Josh, i would wait till next Thursday to make your next pin as you have already flooded your system with 500mgs and will only be adding 250mgs close behind that. Pin again next Thursday at 250mgs and then again on Monday at 250mgs. Then stick to Mondays and Thursdays and you should be fine.

If any pro's out there have a word to add please do.

Your on the money with your advice.. no need to add anything ..
Josh, i would wait till next Thursday to make your next pin as you have already flooded your system with 500mgs and will only be adding 250mgs close behind that. Pin again next Thursday at 250mgs and then again on Monday at 250mgs. Then stick to Mondays and Thursdays and you should be fine.

If any pro's out there have a word to add please do.

Exactly what I would do...
Josh, Im an intermediate user but i do know there is some debate about using an oral at the end of a cycle typically when i see it done it is with a milder oral such as anavar. i think there are a few reasons for this, perhaps it could be that Dbol has a lot of bloat due to high levels of aromitization or that it could be harsh on the liver after being on for so long.. either way i would just stick to the cycle you have planned right now and see how it impacts you. as well as see how you recover from being on for the first time as for some it can be harder than others. jut my two cents. and pros out there feel free to add to this or correct me.
Take a look at this here.
This is how you do: steroidplot.com/share/?l=12&t=0&n=1&c0_d=500&c0_c=testosterone&c0_f=enanthate&c0_s=7&c0_fr=1&c0_to=12

This is pinning E3D: steroidplot.com/share/?l=12&t=0&n=1&c0_d=250&c0_c=testosterone&c0_f=enanthate&c0_s=3&c0_fr=1&c0_to=12

There is a HUGE difference. Your levels drop significantly when only pinning E7D.
Hi Folks,

wanted to send a quick status report from my first d-bol & test e cycle.

I ran the d bol for 4 weeks at 3mg per day. I have to say the gains from that stuff was bloody ridiculous! I know a lot of it will be water retention but the amount of people that have said to me "You're looking big" was insane. I noticed a difference but I think friends etc who hadn't seen me for 3/4 weeks noticed the biggest difference! They didn't know I was on something.

I am currently sitting around 102kg and finished the d-bol a few days ago. I changed my pinning schedule to x2 per week instead of 1 due to some good advice from the more knowledgable people form this site - I appreciated all your help.

I did suffer from back pumps etc but nothing too bad. Estrogen wise I am having no side effect at all. I am continually running Arimidex at 0.25mg every 3 days and that seems to be working fine for me. Haven't had any itchy nipples or adverse side effects....good news there!

Over all I'm feeling good. Have to say I'm not a huge fan of pinning but I guess that's something I'll have to get over.

Anyway, just a short update and I will try to keep you updated as I go along.

If you read this and have questions, pointers or criticism please feel free to comment, I would love to learn more if I'm going wrong in places.

Thanks again,