just started driking green tea


New member
i am taking swole v2 (creatine) and i am going to start drinking green tea.

i know the green tea will help with burning fat, but will it take the water out of me because creatine is supposed to keep water in me.

Oh yeah the green tea has ginseng in it......is green tea usually caffeine free?

Also how many bags of green tea can i drink a day?

thanks guyys
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green tea has caffeine but nothing that is too much. i can drink a cup of green tea before bed and go to bed right after without any problems. i drink two cups of a day with some splenda and sure you can drink up to 4 cups. as far as your other questions i cant really help.
From all the research I've seen, you can drink as much Green Tea as you can stand. It's really good for you and is a great cancer fighter.

Don't worry about the Green Tea / Creatine combination. You want to drink lots of fluids to keep from retaining to much water. The more you drink the less your body is going to store, because your body basically says, "why stock up on something that's always coming in." If you don't drink much fluids your body then says, "Oh, I better save the water I'm getting for when I really need it, since I 'm not getting much in" and so you start retaining it. Hope that answers your question.
When I drink green tea I loose fat quickly and also weight (water I suppose). I'm ecto and very sensitive to caffeine. It also gives me some sleeping problems... but I can have a coke and don't sleep eigther... It's a problem I have. As I'm bulking I prefer to stay away from any caffeine, so no green tea for me. But it's very healthy to have it. It may put your basal metabolism a bit up, at least it does for me.
pimpin2005 said:
What's basal metabolism?

I took the definition from a dictionary on the web -
"Basal metabolism: The minimum amount of energy required to maintain vital functions in an organism at complete rest, measured by the basal metabolic rate in a fasting individual who is awake and resting in a comfortably warm environment."

Your metabolism "accelerates" and you spend more energy. Not big thing with green tea but I can feel it.