Just started first cycle and introduction


New member
New to the forum and hope to learn allot and eventually help others here.
I'm a 53yo male and have had low test for years now. I never thought to check test until one of my doctors suggested it. Up until then all my other Drs just said its old age and that's life.
My labs came back with free test of 4.8 and total test around 240. So my Dr put me on gel. He said injecting test would make me feel like superman and then I would crash end of week til next injection.
So I got to thinking i want to feel like superman, since I've been half dead these last 5 years and started my first test e injection today. 1.5cc of 200. I plan on pinning twice a week and continuing the gel daily.
Does anyone see any problem with this so far or have any suggestions? Would taking a test booster be any help to try and keep my testes working or is that a waste of time?
Thanks for having me and for any feedback.
IMO 300mg per week should be really enough while you want to use gel, so there is no need to pin twice a week. And for test booster its a waste of cash, but take something that help you keep your E2, prolactin and DHT levels low
If you just started trt, you shouldn't be using anything else until your doctor dials you in which could take anywhere from 6 months to over a year. If he pulls a blood test on you, you will most likely get thrown off of trt for abusing drugs. Not a wise decision to make right now...
Screw the gel! Go into him and make up some excuse why gel sucks like you prefer to sleep naked and don't want to take a chance it rubbing off on your partner. Tell him you did research on the injection method and found that is the route you want to take! Yea I would not start adding all this extra stuff until you get dialed in. Tell him you want to go with 200mg test c per week split doses so you won't peak and drop as bad. See what he says. He may try to tell you no but geez you are a 53 y/0 man that can make life decisions like this. 200mg per week will prob put you around 1100 which is still within natural test ranges. Having had 240 test prior you will feel like superman doing in the correct way! Gl
Thanks for the feedback. I went over with dr and he agreed to put me on injection twice a week to see how it goes. He only prescribed me 50mg and Im supposed to take .5cc twice a week. Seems awful shy of the 200mg and 1.5cc per pin I was planning on doing.
Should I scale back to his advised plan or go with my original higher dose for a couple weeks then scale back right before blood work so its not so obvious.