Just started First cycle. Comments/opinions welcome


New member
Hey guys. Just started my first test e cycle after years of lifting and a few months of doing my homework. Running the following...

Test E 500/wk (mon-thurs) 1-12
Adex .25 EOD 2-14
hCG 500iu/wk. 4-14

Pct 2 weeks after last pin (start wk 14)
Nolva 40/40/20/20/20/20
Clomid 50/50/25/25/25/25

Hopefully should start seeing results soon.

Stats for those who care
15-16% BF

Squat 365 3rpm
Dead 405
Bench 315
That's pretty spot on for a first cycle and nice to see homework done. Gotta give ya props for that.

Keep your hands and feet in the ride at all times and enjoy your trip to the darkside.
4 - 5 weeks and you will be full force. Make sure your eating enough and drink lots of water.
Im with Kazmir, usually first cycle posts are im 5 weeks in and have no idea what im doing..
Only thing i could say is nolva and clomid for 6 weeks if thats what is is seems a bit long to me, though everyone is different and you should be able to get blood work done to see if you need to keep up your nolva and clomid..
But other then that bro good luck to you and hope you see some good gains!
Are you suppose to run the A.I all the way up until you start PCT? I am powering with the same question but some have said only run the Arimidex until then end of your pinning cycle, stop for the two weeks before you start PCT.

does the taking hcg and ai during the test cycle help so when you actually can prevent gyno and prepare to restore the natural testosterone of your body before you est levels get too high?
Basically yes. The A.I is used to keep estrogen levels in check, or managable throughout your cycle, especially she taking the likes of test and d-bol. Depending on the person and how their body converts to estrogen - I think the normal amount to be taken is 0.25mg to 0.5mg every other day.

HCG is more used to restore your normal test function and prepare your body for when you stop pinning test.

I'm not the most knowledgeable person on this site but from the reading I have done, that's what I make of it.

Hope it helps a little
P.s - I wouldn't run the PCT for that long though, I would run it for 4 weeks like this;
Nolvadex 40/40/20/20
Clomid 50/50/25/25

Again I'm sure other people may share different opinions.
Basically yes. The A.I is used to keep estrogen levels in check, or managable throughout your cycle, especially she taking the likes of test and d-bol. Depending on the person and how their body converts to estrogen - I think the normal amount to be taken is 0.25mg to 0.5mg every other day.

HCG is more used to restore your normal test function and prepare your body for when you stop pinning test.

I'm not the most knowledgeable person on this site but from the reading I have done, that's what I make of it.

Hope it helps a little
sounds good but are the ai's injectable or orals and any links to any articles?